Learning to dance again!!!

Bubble!!! 2.5lbs off, the week before Christmas, you clever you:wavey:

We had our Christmas night out last Friday, lots to drink (hic, Hic), Saturday, family BBQ in the snow (Hic, hic):D

I will be very pleased to just stay the same, although just half a pound off would be fantastic as that would take me to the one and a half stone sticker. Our Christmas eve routine is fish and chips and eating the cheese wrapped in bacon nearly as quickley as I can cook them:eating:

Well im back!!! Sorry I have been gone for a wee while of late but so much has been happening!!! My sister was unexpectedly rushed into hospital last week to have her baby by emergency section 5 weeks early so between helping her out and xmas time has just got away from me lately and I haven't had much time for myself let alone following the plan. My sister had a beautiful baby boy called Charlie who isn't very well he is still in the neonatal unit. He has trouble breathing by himself as we lungs just weren't developed enough when he was born but he will get there soon hopefully!!! We are all keeping our fingers crossed and praying for him. I have been having her other little one stay with me while here and her husband are running to the hospital to visit with Charlie. So the the plan has went out the window!!!!

My weigh in night was changed to last night due to the bank holiday on Monday! I stayed the same cant flipping believe it I was so shocked!!! But I just hope all the badness doesn't bite me on the bum on Monday night now!!! So I have been back on plan since this morning!!

Did you all have a great xmas???

Today I will have:
Breakfast - Toast x 2 HXB and 6 Syns and bacon with tomatoes and a pear
Lunch - Fruit salad
Dinner - Baked spud baked beans and green beans.

Total syns 6
Ahhhh, a christmas baby, sorry that he is not 100%, but they are resiliant little things, and I am sure that he will soon pick up. You have obviously been very busy but thats we have families for - is to help at times like this. I hope your sister appreciates you.:)

Congratulations on STS. I put on 2lbs but was quite OK with that. I thought that it would be more.

I am back on the speed soup, stir fries and such.

Somthing lovely that I discovered over Christmas - get a packet of smoked salmon trimmings and mix with a tub of low fat cottage cheese, a twist of black pepper and lemon juice, absolutly great with a jacket potato and green salad, AND FREE!!!!
Thanks for your kind wishes Karnak!!!

I feel off the wagon last night :booboo: to the point where I have now had my fill of take-out!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never want to see a take-out menu for a long time again!! If someone finds my will power could they send it back this way??:missing:

Myself and the hubby sat and had a chat last night about how I feel he needs to support me more with my sw journey so he has agreed to start the plan with me from today!!!!! I am going to make a new years resolution to exercise at least 3 times a week not much to begin with but I feel I can fit 3 sessions of something in a week. I dont want to aim to high and fail! We are heading away for the weekend in 3 weeks and it would be nice to get my next half stone by then!! So thats what I am going to aim for. 3 weighins to go. I hope by trying to pull it back now that I can stay the same on monday night!!!

Today I will have:
Breakfast - 1 slice of wholemeal bread and a banana and pear
Lunch - Apple 2 mandrains and low fat super noodles
Dinner - Jacket potato with tuna, onion, red pepers and 3tbsp of light mayo (6 Syns)

Total Syns 6
That's excellent that hubby is supporting u like that! I can't say mine does! Although he has stopped trying to tempt me with things cos he knows the answer is no! And he now also says 'you don't need that' when I'm debating with myself over chocolates or biscuits etc! Lol a strange man my hubby! Lol

Good luck for yr mini goal before yr wkend break! Xx
Back with a new determination so pleased with my loss last night I was also slimmer of the week which is excellent! (only cause most people had a gain) I have set myself a few mini goals the 1st being lose a pound next week to get my 1.5 stone award. The next is to lose another stone and a half for Easter!! My new years resolution is to work out 3 times a week. I was gonna say 5 times a week but I think this would be hard to adjust to as I don't currently do any lol!! I also know the 1st time I didn't do it I would beat myself up about it and quit so I am aiming low and anymore would be bonus. :D

Tonight I am gonna swimming/or get the wii depends if I can get into my living room in peace don't fancy getting it on with Bob and Jillian in front of the hubby lol!!! It has been that long from I used the wii fit that I the wii board may actually be starting to believe it is only ornament!!!

Today I will have:
Breakfast: orange, banana and a hifi bar HXB
Lunch: orange, apple, low fat super noodles
Dinner: Maggi Garlic Chicken onions and mushrooms added (3 Syns) Potato cubes with Sweet chilli sauce (3 Syns) and green Beans

Total Syns 6 Syns
well congrautlations on your loss Bubble, thats great - and also a Happy New Year to you too.
I do hope that life has quietened down a bit for you now. How is yours sisters little one doing?:)

I am with you that a stone and a half by Easter is a good target as I wanted to lose 3 stone by June and Easter is roughly in the middle of that. Another stone and a half would see me over target by September when I am hoping to go on holiday.

I bought an exercise bike yesterday - down from 149 to 99 in Argos. Its great ,its a York so its a good make and its also light enough that I can pull it out in front of the TV (thats the only way to get me to use it), started on it last night and am determind to make sure that I use it everyday.

Its WI for me tonight, I am hoping for either STS or maybe just a 1lb loss would be fantastic.;)
I am mega impressed to Kristy no idea how I did it lol!

I will keep my fingers crossed for you Karnak!!! My sisters little one is still really the same god love him. He is still on a ventilator and hasn't really moved bless the mite but his body is starting to accept the milk he is being feed now through a tube so that is something!! Thanks for asking!! wow go you with the exercise bike and all! Doing it in front of the TV is such a gd idea you wouldnt really notice the time pass then.