Hi lind,
When I went to the dentist for a routine check up when I had been on abstinence for 11 months (didn't tell the dentist) hew said my mouth wasn't very healthy, should have looked "pinker" and my teeth were starting to get loose ( Iwas 54!).
When I went back early this year - same dentist - he started the check up, stopped, looked confused, checked my notes on computer and paper, said he thought there might be a mistake and looking at the wrong notes. Asked my name and then said "I can't believe this is the same mouth. It is so healthy, completely different from a year ago - everything is fine"
I then told him I had been abstinent for a year, but had now been eating a healthy diet for a few months. He was gob-smacked!! literally.
He told me I should be in the newspaper.
We came to the conclusion that when you have been in abstinence for a while there is limited nutrition in your body so the mouth and hair are the bits that seem to lose out temporarily.
I hope you will find out as I did that when you start to reintroduce a healthy diet, plenty of fresh fruit and veg, limited carbs and still loads of water, you will be healthier than ever.
Good luck Lind xx