Lemon and white chocolate SnS bars are lush. I used to bake the lemony ones on LL. I tried the SnS bar baked and yes, like many of you have said it was fab. I like savings my bars for the evening as a treat. X
Just tried them from my tester pack, i dont usually eat sweet stuff but i gave them ago and wow they are really nice. When i put in my 1st proper order and have a few spaces left for bars they'll be the ones i'd pick.
I'm going to try this tomorrow. I've tried the oatmeal biscuits but they didn't do it for me. I noticed that someone on here occasionally has 2 bars a day. Sometimes if I'm having a bit of an off day I literally can't face another pack so I have another bar. It works for me and I suppose doing this is better than giving up. Does anyone else have more than one bar a day?
The biscuits sound lovely will have to give them a go.
The website does state that only the one bar is allowed on any given day though as any more will stall your weight x x
I love the lemon and truffa bar slightly warmed ... they go gooey and just yummy. Feels like I'm being naughty and having a treat at the end of normally a very long day. But I must admit, not too keen on bars if not warmed though !