Lent Challenge. What are people giving up?

Well second day of being facebook free and to be honest, i feel better than i thought i would. Altho i had the urge to text all my friends this morning to tell them that i was tired, lol x
Doing fine with no wine at the moment (quite like that little rhyme), but the real test will be after a week or so. Might adopt that as a little mantra. "Fiiine with no wiiine"
I've given up any form of fastfood no more sneaky mcdonalds' & being bold!!!!! I started on monday!!!! hoping it might help with my weightloss....Takeaways are my weekness and reasons why i fall off the wagon!!!!
KimberleyMikado said:
I've given up any form of fastfood no more sneaky mcdonalds' & being bold!!!!! I started on monday!!!! hoping it might help with my weightloss....Takeaways are my weekness and reasons why i fall off the wagon!!!!


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Well i completly failed this challenge today!!! So gutted :-(

Someone came up to me at work and "hey Jo can you guess what flavour these mystery walkers crisp are?" I took two and ate them, didn't even think about till an hr lata and swore very loudly... :-(

I'm out, what a fool *shakes head in shame*

Hope you all do better than I did.

Hope I'm not too late to join this thread I'm giving up chocolate started yesterday and managed today :) hope everyone else is managing ok xx
Well i completly failed this challenge today!!! So gutted :-(

Someone came up to me at work and "hey Jo can you guess what flavour these mystery walkers crisp are?" I took two and ate them, didn't even think about till an hr lata and swore very loudly... :-(

I'm out, what a fool *shakes head in shame*

Hope you all do better than I did.


Aww hun i'll probably forget aswell n end up breaking mine.... but i'm gonna try :patback:
Well i completly failed this challenge today!!! So gutted :-(

Someone came up to me at work and "hey Jo can you guess what flavour these mystery walkers crisp are?" I took two and ate them, didn't even think about till an hr lata and swore very loudly... :-(

I'm out, what a fool *shakes head in shame*

Hope you all do better than I did.


But you don't have to make one lapse ruin everything.

With giving up things for Lent, we always have a rule that, if something crops up so that you absolutely HAVE to do it, or if you just forget - put £5 in the Charity box, and then carry on.

You could still succeed 45 days out of 46 - and wouldn't that be an achievement?
I'm still going to continue with the challenge, feel like a fraud joining in on this thread now.

Thank you for your words of encouragement, I'm not giving up yet :)

Just feel a lil foolish being it was the second day, silly mistake.

Don't feel like a fraud. Making mistakes is how we learn. And that is all you did. No big deal. Good on you for picking yourself up and carrying on regardless. It's exactly the sort of attitude you need to succeed at weight loss.
I'm still going to continue with the challenge, feel like a fraud joining in on this thread now.

Thank you for your words of encouragement, I'm not giving up yet :)

Just feel a lil foolish being it was the second day, silly mistake.


Ur not a fraud...its only a small tiny blip....Keep soldiering on and try and forget it.......
Almost forgot about the 15mins exercise but managed to squeeze it in last night. It was after 12 but saying as I hadn't got to sleep yet I counted it as yesterday :) remembered to do today's before work so I'm almost two days down! yay!
JimofTroy said:
But you don't have to make one lapse ruin everything.

With giving up things for Lent, we always have a rule that, if something crops up so that you absolutely HAVE to do it, or if you just forget - put £5 in the Charity box, and then carry on.

You could still succeed 45 days out of 46 - and wouldn't that be an achievement?

I agree. I gave up meat a few years ago for lent and accidentally had a hot dog. Didn't realise for about 3 hours. I just wrote it off and carried on. :)
I love not using hex B as bread. Pagen Krisprolls, wholegrain Vita Crackerbread, Aldi choc orange less than 70 cals cereal bars (2 for a b). So much choice.

Day 2 going splendidly well, still got a b choice and up to 12 syns to play with. Done in 7 superfree already, done some actual real life exercise, and just had a massive and splendidly low syn dinner. Obviously the day is not over but as I'm stuffed and have ff yogurt and strawbs sitting there that I can go crazy on later, there's little danger of me falling off the wagon.
Day 2 going well. Turned down joining in the lunch sandwich run, so still 100% and as I'm out and driving there'll be no alcohol.

_Ally_ - sugar - 45 days to go
Arctic_bng - 100% - 45 days to go
Blonn-de - chocolate - 45 days to go
debc88 - Chocolate & fizzy drinks - 45 days to go
dreamslim - caffeine - 45 days to go
dudette2001uk - cake/chocolate/biscuits - 45 days to go
ellierose988 - wine - 45 days to go
faerieheavyboot - fizzy drinks - 45 days to go
ginlin - chocolate - 45 days to go
Harebell Fairy - 100% - 45 days to go
ILoveCake - takeaways - 45 days to go
JimofTroy - 100% & 200 miles - 195.03 miles & 45 days to go
kate,mcg - chocolate, crisps or biscuits - 45 days to go
linzipinzi - alcohol - 45 days to go
MadameLaMinx - 100% - 45 days to go
Magicmama - takeaways - 45 days to go
Melissajayne - non HE snacks - 45 days to go
MinkyDinky - non HE snacks - 45 days to go
odd_sock - 100% - 45 days to go
Realslimlady - 100% - 45 days to go
Realslimlady - unnecessary spending - 45 days to go
Rorah - wine - 45 days to go
Sham88 -crisps, sweets, chocolate, smoking - 45 days to go
Shirleen - 5 a-day - 45 days to go
Slinkydawg - chocolate - 45 days to go
spuddridge - takeaways & caffeine - 45 days to go
tallsarah - chocolate - 45 days to go
tealight - crisps - 45 days to go
Tinnedtomato - Facebook - 45 days to go
Tiphareth - 100% and alcohol - 44 days to go
vanilla_cupcake - chocolate - 45 days to go
Vanessal - wine - 45 days to go
Welshdreamer-100%- 45 days to go
Welshtigger-Fast Food-45 days to go
XxKirstxX- Bread - 45 days to go
x_Jen_x - 100% & 15 mins exercise - 45 days to go
Because I eat a lot of them, especially having an Actifry, I have given up potatoes! :D

_Ally_ - sugar - 45 days to go
Arctic_bng - 100% - 45 days to go
Blonn-de - chocolate - 45 days to go
debc88 - Chocolate & fizzy drinks - 45 days to go
dreamslim - caffeine - 45 days to go
dudette2001uk - cake/chocolate/biscuits - 45 days to go
ellierose988 - wine - 45 days to go
faerieheavyboot - fizzy drinks - 45 days to go
ginlin - chocolate - 45 days to go
Harebell Fairy - 100% - 45 days to go
ILoveCake - takeaways - 45 days to go
JimofTroy - 100% & 200 miles - 195.03 miles & 45 days to go
kate,mcg - chocolate, crisps or biscuits - 45 days to go
linzipinzi - alcohol - 45 days to go
Loosemyageinweight - Potatoes - 45 days to go
MadameLaMinx - 100% - 45 days to go
Magicmama - takeaways - 45 days to go
Melissajayne - non HE snacks - 45 days to go
MinkyDinky - non HE snacks - 45 days to go
odd_sock - 100% - 45 days to go
Realslimlady - 100% - 45 days to go
Realslimlady - unnecessary spending - 45 days to go
Rorah - wine - 45 days to go
Sham88 -crisps, sweets, chocolate, smoking - 45 days to go
Shirleen - 5 a-day - 45 days to go
Slinkydawg - chocolate - 45 days to go
spuddridge - takeaways & caffeine - 45 days to go
tallsarah - chocolate - 45 days to go
tealight - crisps - 45 days to go
Tinnedtomato - Facebook - 45 days to go
Tiphareth - 100% and alcohol - 44 days to go
vanilla_cupcake - chocolate - 45 days to go
Vanessal - wine - 45 days to go
Welshdreamer-100%- 45 days to go
Welshtigger-Fast Food-45 days to go
XxKirstxX- Bread - 45 days to go
x_Jen_x - 100% & 15 mins exercise - 45 days to go[/QUOTE]
Thought long and hard about this. Giving up wine,chocolate crisps etc wouldn't be much of a sacrifice as I take little or none when dieting.
So I decided to drink only black tea for Lent.This will be really tough for me as I love numerous daily cups of tea with skimmed milk. On day 2 and not enjoying it one bit!!!
Survived day 2 :) hope everyone else is coping x