Me too Marie, that's why I really want to work it all out now, rather than just losing the weight, then putting it all straight back on because I didn't actually learn anything.
I've been doing a bit of reading up tonight about people who follow just general low carb diets, rather than faddy diets. It all seems pretty simple from their view, eat lots if clean protein, such as lean meat, and eat lots if veg (the less carby ones) but it does seem as though a few bits of 'forbidden' foods can actually be eaten but you need to be careful of the type and portion. So if you are having pasta, have whole meal, and a fairly small portion. A few have touched on food being low gi so I need to have a proper look at this too.
I too can't imagine never eating carbs again, but I think this is what I need to stop thinking. The average slim person does actually have the odd plate of pasta, or pizza, but they know it shouldn't be eaten in huge quantities every day. I need to think like a slim person and know that when i eat this kind of food, that there is a limit.
This is the 1 major thing I have learned from the vlcd, is that I used to eat MASSIVE portions. And that its actually not necessary and is probably the one main thing that has hindered my weight loss in the past. It's like the biscuit I had earlier, I ate it quite slowly and enjoyed it. Before, I would have eaten loads but I realised that 1 was enough and that I didn't need more.
Sorry for the rambling but I'm coming to a bit of a revelation at the moment. I think that I personally, need to learn to eat properly, rather than trying all the quick fix diets under the sun. I'm not saying that I'm giving up s&s completely. But I do need to mix it with a bit of real eating too because as much as I want to be slim, I also want to be able to eat the way that we are meant to.