Less of liz!!!

That sound soooo yummy, liz! :)
Would definitely recommend it. I had the leftovers for dinner and it was actually better the second time.

Had with green pepper and cabbage.

Working out the calories, I've still managed to stay within calories and carbs today so I'm very happy.

Back on packs until Wednesday when I have my next day off packs.

How's everyone's weekend been? X
Wow yummers, I'll be trying out that curry!!! Mmmm!!
Feeling very frustrated this morning. Nothing fits me! My big clothes are too big but only half if my 18's fit! Meaning I've only got 2 pairs of jeans I can wear at the mo!

I seem to be losing the weight everywhere apart from my stomach and its really frustrating. Think ill have to start doing some tummy exercises to help. Need to investigate what I'm allowed to do as had c-section 5 months ago and remember them saying I had to be careful for about a year. Anyone got any good suggestions for getting rid of tummy fat?
I don't have any ideas to get rid of your tummy fat but it's got to come off your tummy at some point :)

Youl be in the rest of your 18s in a week or 2.

Your doing fab :)
Ahh how frustrating! How close are they to doing up around the tummy? I had the elastic band through the button hole trick at first!
I had a c sec 4 months ago but don't remember what they said about exercise! Think I zoned that out!!
I'm guessing on this sort of diet gentle exercise like walking is good and I'm sure a bit of yoga or Pilates would be good - but please check or google it, I don't want to be giving you wrong info!!! I walk loads and think that's helping with general weight loss and fitness but haven't tried targeting any specific areas yet. I hate hate hate my c-sec tummy :(
2 of them do up but I can't move or sit down and i look like I'm just stuffed in them!

I'm doing the exercise bike so hopefully this will keep helping. I really need to dig out my Pilates DVD too.

I'm feeling a bit unmotivated at the mo. my friend who inspired me to do this by losing through LL is really struggling to keep it off. She has put on nearly 2 dress sizes since getting to target. I think because the packs are great in getting the weight off but don't actually teach you anything about eating. She agrees this is what it is and she is really depressed about it. I have also seen a lot of others in this forum having similar problems.

I know this will be the same for me and am questioning weather I'm going about this the right way. I'm now out if the obese category and am on my way to a healthy weight. Wonder if I need to slow down a bit and use more of a low carb, small portion diet to get the rest off so I don't end up in a sudden panic and put it all back on again.

I am enjoying the big losses and not thinking about food too though so don't know what to do. Am going to have to do a lot of thinking...
I know what you mean. I'm thinking once I'm much closer to target I'll do an eating diet like slimming world or low carb so I can learn portion control and the right foods to eat so that once I'm at my target I can maintain. Plus on SW or a low carb diet I'll be able to exercise properly too.
I'll wait until I'm further along though, probably in the new year.
You have to do what you think is best for you. It's horrible your friend is struggling, it's nice that you can be there for each other.

Well done on the exercise bike. That's great!!
I know what you mean. I'm thinking once I'm much closer to target I'll do an eating diet like slimming world or low carb so I can learn portion control and the right foods to eat so that once I'm at my target I can maintain. Plus on SW or a low carb diet I'll be able to exercise properly too.
I'll wait until I'm further along though, probably in the new year.
You have to do what you think is best for you. It's horrible your friend is struggling, it's nice that you can be there for each other.

Well done on the exercise bike. That's great!!

I've realised that slimming world isn't good for me as it doesn't encourage good portion control. I might look at weight watchers and do it with low carb foods. Or just keep on with the low carb and see how it goes. Whenever I start a diet I only seem to last 3 weeks so I'm hoping its not just boredom again!

It's horrible seeing my friend struggle as she has done so well. Hopefully she will work out what works for her. We talk about it every day once we have dropped the kids off at school.

I've been very naughty and had a biscuit just now, but I've satisfied my craving now and won't have any more!
Well done for stopping! It's hard to stop at one biccy so that shows good restraint. An extra 60 seconds on your exercise bike ;) Lol.

Hopefully she'll work out a way to maintain without putting it all back on.
And once she's cracked the secret she can let you in on it!! Are there people from LL who can help her too?

I think low carbs are the way forward. I was thinking about all the meals I used to eat and there really are carbs sneaking in on almost everything!! Even things that I think are good! I like the southern fried chicken fillets from Birdseye with a jacket spud, or sausage and mash, sandwiches, fish with boiled potatoes, stir fry and noodles. If I can cut back on the obvious and the sneaky carbs hopefully that'll help! It's mad as when you think you're being good it's actually not!! I like the idea of that 5:2 diet too.

I'll be doing s+s up to November 21st then I have a night out planned on 22nd and will do my refeed week. But think after that I'll do something else until the new year. I have my husbands birthday in December and then there's Christmas! I don't want to keep stop and starting throughout December as I think that'll mess me about.

I hope you're not getting the 3 week itch!! :)
I am in week six now and think I'm starting to get a little bored. Need to find ways to jazz it up again!! Xx
I used to eat so many carbs its unbelievable! Every meal was carby. Toast, sandwiches, pasta, potatoes, rice. Was with every single meal. I reckon just cutting out those will make all the difference. Plus halving my portions will help.

I'm thinking I will do a week or so of low carb and low cal., then maybe when I start getting bored again I can switch back to packs for a bit. Maybe if I lose a bit then learn to maintain, then lose more and learn to maintain again etc etc, it will be easier in the long run to keep it off. I wish there was a magic wand, I don't know why I find it so hard!

That's a good way off until November so im sure you'll do really well. Then it'll be nearly Christmas!
I think I'm a carb-a-holic. I seriously worry about maintaining long term cause I couldn't imagine eating low carb long term. It really worries me :( x
Yeah I'm the same, Mmm toast!!

I hope I can maintain better this time as last time I piled it back on. It'll be hard because I can't constantly have different meals from my hubby and eventually my daughter will be eating and wondering why I'm not eating the same as her. I'll have to have a real trial (and hopefully no error!) with it all!
Gotta get to goal first though!!

I've put a low carb cook book on my Christmas list!! Xx
I think you'd get off lightly in a court of law for that...?! Murder must be acceptable during this diet ;)
I've been close a few times Sammy believe me. The other half came in on day 3 when I was climbing the walls with hunger with a crusty loaf that was still warm. Could have clubbed him to death with it x
Ha ha ha, sorry I shouldn't laugh! But we've all been there. He'll think twice before doing that again!
My hubby's away all week but every weekend he stocks up on yummy things then leaves them in the kitchen when he leaves for the week again. I have to do a sweep every Monday to chuck out bread potatoes pate etc! Grrrrrrr!!
It's mad isint it. Led to a massive argument and me sitting in the huff all night. Over a loaf haha. Needless to say, he hasn't repeated that atrocity. I'm definately more emotional on this diet. You cheer me up with your positivity. I'm like the grinch x
Me too Marie, that's why I really want to work it all out now, rather than just losing the weight, then putting it all straight back on because I didn't actually learn anything.

I've been doing a bit of reading up tonight about people who follow just general low carb diets, rather than faddy diets. It all seems pretty simple from their view, eat lots if clean protein, such as lean meat, and eat lots if veg (the less carby ones) but it does seem as though a few bits of 'forbidden' foods can actually be eaten but you need to be careful of the type and portion. So if you are having pasta, have whole meal, and a fairly small portion. A few have touched on food being low gi so I need to have a proper look at this too.

I too can't imagine never eating carbs again, but I think this is what I need to stop thinking. The average slim person does actually have the odd plate of pasta, or pizza, but they know it shouldn't be eaten in huge quantities every day. I need to think like a slim person and know that when i eat this kind of food, that there is a limit.

This is the 1 major thing I have learned from the vlcd, is that I used to eat MASSIVE portions. And that its actually not necessary and is probably the one main thing that has hindered my weight loss in the past. It's like the biscuit I had earlier, I ate it quite slowly and enjoyed it. Before, I would have eaten loads but I realised that 1 was enough and that I didn't need more.

Sorry for the rambling but I'm coming to a bit of a revelation at the moment. I think that I personally, need to learn to eat properly, rather than trying all the quick fix diets under the sun. I'm not saying that I'm giving up s&s completely. But I do need to mix it with a bit of real eating too because as much as I want to be slim, I also want to be able to eat the way that we are meant to.