Less of liz!!!

The cook book has some fab ideas which I'm really looking forward to trying.

That's a good idea about the turkey bacon, is it less calories than normal bacon?

I fancy chicken breast with bacon and halloumi cheese, with a salad or some veg. I've also found a chicken curry made with a base of the spices, lots of coriander and mint and coconut milk. It all only works out at about 15g carbs

I was talking to my friend who was on lighter life but is really struggling to maintain and we are going to try and hash out a plan for us both. Thinking of doing the 5:2 plan in reverse, so 5 days of s&s then 2 days of low carb meals. I'm thinking the variety might work for me. I really don't want to give up but need to find a way to make it work long term for me.
There's actually not that much difference in the calories between real bacon and turkey bacon. I love chicken wrapped in Parma ham. Mmmmm
There's actually not that much difference in the calories between real bacon and turkey bacon. I love chicken wrapped in Parma ham. Mmmmm

Mmmm, yes, that sounds fabulous too. Think I'm going to take a trip to the supermarket tomorrow and stock up on craving busting food !

One thing I will do is try and keep the portions under control. This was one if my major problems before, but now I realise that I can live on smaller portions. I did slimming world for years and am convinced it never worked for me because they don't restrict the portions in any way. I would eat loads and loads of 'free foods' and wonder why I wasn't losing any weight, but the calories and carbs all add up, so I need to make sure I keep this under control from now on.
Mmmm, yes, that sounds fabulous too. Think I'm going to take a trip to the supermarket tomorrow and stock up on craving busting food ! One thing I will do is try and keep the portions under control. This was one if my major problems before, but now I realise that I can live on smaller portions. I did slimming world for years and am convinced it never worked for me because they don't restrict the portions in any way. I would eat loads and loads of 'free foods' and wonder why I wasn't losing any weight, but the calories and carbs all add up, so I need to make sure I keep this under control from now on.

Oh I was the same with slimming world. Free food to me meant exactly that. I shudder to think of the massive plates of pasta and the biggest baked potatoes I could get my mitts on!! Ketosis should help with portion control plus it's difficult to over eat on protein. I mean there's only so much chicken you can stomach. Maybe cheese is the exception. Tho the size of a portion I would eat on its own Would be v small compared to how much I'd slap on bread to make toasted cheese. I'm a carb addict I think. Or was anyway x
That's a really good idea - then you'll have two days to really look forward to during the week!!
If the curry works out well can you post the recipe please - if you have time?! Sounds really really yummy!! :)
Ill post the recipe for you guys once I dig it out.

I had a day off packs yesterday but managed to be good. I stayed within ketosis range (only had 15g carbs) and had about 900 calories. ( Went a bit ott on cheese! oops) I'm happy I did it as I busted a few cravings without ruining the diet and think I will do it at least once a week.

Been back on packs today, although I'm looking forward to my lifestyle meal tonight.

Had the most amazing massage lastnight, I see it as a bit if a treat for doing so well so far. I also managed to get free tickets to the 'ideal home show at Christmas' so I've had a good few days in all!

I MUST do some exercise tonight!

How's everyone else doing?
Oh I miss cheese. They babybel light don't really hit the spot.
That's good you treated yourself with a non food treat. Bet it was lovely having some time to yourself. Can't be easy staying on plan with a young baby.
I'm doing ok. Fighting the good fight against the mental craving. Going to a weigh in/keep fit class in the gym tonight. Might as well get some use out of my membership. Plus be good for someone else to weigh me each week x
You are doing so well fighting the cravings! And doing exercise. I just did 20 mins on the bike so I'm quite pleased.

The massage was brilliant. Wish I could afford one every week after a loss, that would definitely keep me motivated :)

Well done on the bike! Xx
Thanks, I really need to get my Pilates DVD out as my back is really sore at the mo so I need to start strengthening it. Plus it's good for toning. Just need to find the time to do it!
You are doing so well fighting the cravings! And doing exercise. I just did 20 mins on the bike so I'm quite pleased. The massage was brilliant. Wish I could afford one every week after a loss, that would definitely keep me motivated :) X

I'm fighting the cravings by the skin of my teeth. Well done on the bike :).
I was 7 pounds heavier on the scales at my class tonight. Not worrying tho as it was nighttime, with clothes on and different scales. Going to go by them tho as it might keep me from constantly hopping on and off my own scales.
Were all doing great on this wee slim and save forum. Go us :)
I'm fighting the cravings by the skin of my teeth. Well done on the bike :).
I was 7 pounds heavier on the scales at my class tonight. Not worrying tho as it was nighttime, with clothes on and different scales. Going to go by them tho as it might keep me from constantly hopping on and off my own scales.
Were all doing great on this wee slim and save forum. Go us :)

That's a pain! At least you haven't panicked and are getting on with it.

We are definitely doing well! I think this forum is a massive help, I reckon I might have given up by now but talking to everyone and reading success stories has really helped. A friend said today that it looked like I'd lost 'loads of weight' so I'm very pleased. I actually feel really big today for some reason. I got changed about 5 times this morning as I felt horrible.
That's a pain! At least you haven't panicked and are getting on with it. We are definitely doing well! I think this forum is a massive help, I reckon I might have given up by now but talking to everyone and reading success stories has really helped. A friend said today that it looked like I'd lost 'loads of weight' so I'm very pleased. I actually feel really big today for some reason. I got changed about 5 times this morning as I felt horrible.

"Loads if weight". That's a fantastic compliment. Go you :)
Bet you looked great today. I think with rapid weight loss it takes your mind a bit of time to catch up.
I'd definately have caved without this forum. Without a doubt x
Oh it's lovely to receive compliments! Well done you!!! Xx
Had a bit of a hiccup yesterday. It was all going well food wise, and I was going to meet my friend in the pub for a sparkling water. When I got there she said, 'what do you want to eat?' Aargh! I'd already eaten. I said I wasn't hungry, so she said she wouldn't bother either then. I felt so bad that I ended up eating again just so she would eat. I didn't want a full meal so just had a starter but they didn't have anything suitable so ended up having the baked Brie as it was the least carby thing there (highest calorie though!)! Was lovely but feel a bit disappointed today. Had a lovely night though!

Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on it and I'm going to be good today.

How's everyone else's weekend getting on?
Lost another 2lbs.

Happy with that as there has been a fair bit of cheating going on! If I can make 2-3lbs my average loss that will be fab.

Curry day for me today, can't wait.

Happy Sunday everyone!
Yay well done!! Bye bye 2 pounds! :)
Thanks everyone!

I finally made the curry and it was delicious!

3 shallots
4 large handfuls of coriander
1 green chilli
2 handfuls fresh mint
5 garlic cloves
2.5 cm piece ginger
2tsp ground coriander
1tsp cumin

4chicken breasts , in chunks
200ml coconut milk (could use reduced fat)
400ml chicken stock

Whizz up the first 8 ingredients in a food processor. Put the chicken in a pan ( I used quorn fillets) and cook in the chicken stock. Add the paste and cook out a little. Then add the coconut milk and cook for 15-20 mins until chicken cooked and sauce thick.

I served with 60g spinach and 50 g mushrooms.

Absolute yum!

A lot of these ingredients aren't on the s&s database but they are all very low carb and low cal when I have investigated. Only 1g per 100mls in coconut milk and 62 calories, and all very small amounts in the herbs and spices. Will definitely be a regular for me. X