Recap of the week:
Exercise: 7 days

Goal complete
Day 1: 30 mins Cardio
Day 2: 60 mins Cardio and Abs
Day 3: 20 mins Cardio
Day 4: 50 mins Strength Training and Abs
Day 5: 20 mins Cardio
Day 6: 60 mins Strength Training and Cardio
Day 7: 35 mins Cardio and Abs
All in all good week exercise wise. I also did some light dancing almost every single day if not every single day, which adds to the calorie burning, so very good.
What I can improve on next week: 2 days I only did 20 minutes. I think it's ok to have one day a week where the intensity is a lil lower, but two days is too much, I want to make it to at least 40 mins 6 times a week and then on Thursday or so I can just do 20 mins or 30 as a break for my body.
Eating wise:
I ate 1800 cals 3 days 1 day 2400 1 day binge (BAD!!)1 day 1900 (not too good either) and today which will be 1600 (because I can

I had too many "cheat meals" eating things like popcorn or chocolate. I need to do better next week. I had decided to start eating 1700 cals this week but I realized that it's hard to concentrate on significantly highering my workout time/number of sessions and lowering cals all at the same time. so this week I'm going to be happy for the days that I ate 1800 cals.
I will try to lower it though, with time and only eat 1700 whenever I can. Who knows, maybe next week I'll make it!
I do feel a LOT better this week though. I feel changes in my stomach and arm areas. I also feel fitter and better able to complete my workouts. Working out hard everyday is getting easier to do even when it gets late. I feel like I've really made progress this week, although I have no idea what the scales are going to say... We shall see tomorrow.
So goals for next week will be:
*1600 - 1800 cals,
*Exercise 7 days a week for at least 40 minutes 6 days and on one day only 20 to 30 mins.
*Get up earlier!!! I know I've been saying this for a while, and I have been doing better on some days, but I need to do better everyday!
*Keep up with the light dancing everyday. the more active I am the more calories I'll be burning and the more fat I'll lose!
*Drink 3 liters of water (have not been doing as well with water consumption as I should)
I'm so excited about the "Christmas week" because I think it's going to be a real challenge! On that week I'm going to have to be EXTRA good all week long so that I can pig out a little (not too much!) on Christmas day. Also exercising will probably get more and more difficult with the Christmas frenzy that always happens. Anyways I'm so up for that challenge! And the week after that.. NEW YEARS! Another challenge!! I'm going to try to drink very little and eat healthy foods as much as possible (we all know how challenging that can be at parties!). Woo hoooooooo those week are going to be great. I'd better start preparing for awesomeness with this next upcoming week!