Let's get this Party started!!!!

Wow I haven't been here in a while...
Recap of the days I've missed:

Monday: 2400 cals. That was an uncalled for and unexpected high calorie day which I shouldn't have had. What happened is I started binging to I decided to make it into a high calorie day in order to put a stop to it. That's not the best by any means but I think it's better than 3000 to 4000 cals. I need to put a stop to this excess eating though! There are no excuses. I either want this or I don't. If I do, I just need to try harder on the eating front!
That said I did good on exercise. 40 mins of Cardio.

Tuesday: My sister came over for an unexpected and unannounced visit = threw my day off.
Basically I have a very strained relationship with this sister. She's extremely domineering and just plain annoying. Result = no exercise!!!
I didn't exercise because she's nosy and it's embarassing for me. My sister is anorexic so she's VERY skinny. Like bones skinny, and she already looks at me weird whenever she comes over. She's always been in competition with me (one sided competition, since I don't try to compete with her, but it's still a pain in my ***) and I think it makes her happy that I weigh a lot more than her or something...
So anyways there was no way I was exercising around her. I haven't told her I'm on a diet nor do I plan to, because everytime I have she's tried to sabotage it. I remember in earlier years I'd try to go on a diet and then all of a sudden she'd be making cookies everyday. and as much as I dislike her, her cookies are very good. Usually I'd refuse and then she'd get all upset and say she took all this time to make cookies so I HAD to eat them blah blah.
Wow I really went off topic here! I guess I'm just trying to explain why it's so hard when she's around. So I'm happy she no longer lives here! :)
I also feel uncomfortable eating when she's around so 1000 cals for the day.
We had a drinking party (because she's also alchoolic) and I'm proud to say I only had one cup of wine :D

Anyways, she's gone and I"m back on track with the exercising. Of course whenever I miss a day of exercising getting back to it the next day is SO HARD! I don't know why it's like that for me.. Some people exercise 5 days, take the weekend off and then get right back to it. They enjoy their days off but it's not a huge trial to exercise come monday. It doesn't work that way for me. If I take just one day completely off exercise I usually stop completely. At least that's what I've done in the past. I'm forming new habits though now so...
Wednesday: 40 mins strength training!!! Now you have to understand for me that was a HUGE success. I know it doesn't sound like much, but just mustering up the courage to press play was a big deal, and then halfway through I stopped, I'd given up. I just felt so unmotivated and it also being TOTM I just felt like crap! But I ended up writing down some of those goals and pressed play again!! I was so happy when the exercise video came to an end because I'd made it all the way through!
I had 1900 cals that day though which is NOT a good thing!
I think the reason it's so hard for me to keep my calories down is because during the christmas season I bake almost everyday. I'm "in charge" of the baking so I have to make the cookies, etc... Some of you may be able to do this fine and not eat any of their creations. I'm not one of those people. I put a lot of thought into my baking and choosing the recipes ect, so I just have to have some. Also because I do the baking I also have allthis baking chocolate lying around (which is the only chocolate I like, the other stuff is too sweet), plus a bunch of nuts, and other junk....
I really thought the christmas season wasn't going to make much of a difference to my diet, except of christmas day itself but with all these temptations I am finding it harder... which means I just have to try harder!
Uh oh, I rambled on again... :p

Today: 1700 cals, which is Good! Woopie, although I'm still eating too much in the evening which I am going to have to find a solution to!
Exercise: 50 mins Cardio / Abs
Good workout, good eating = happy me :)

My goal for the rest of the week is going to be to pay more attention to what I'm eating and the times I'm eating it. Also need to have more veggies!!

I can't see if i've lost any weight yet as it's TOTM... grrr..
I have to say through that I am seeing definate results in my body, especially stomach and arms area. My arms are getting toned and I can really feel my triceps and biceps. They're also getting thinner and I'm losing the "muffin top" on my belly, which is very very nice.
I think doing more exercise is really working for me. :) I'm really hoping for at least 2 lbs lost on Monday, but either way, I know what I'm doing is working because I am seeing the results in my body everyday, which is really what I'm after!
I know exactly what you mean by not exercising for one day and then not having any motivation to do it again. Last night I didn't want to do anything but my sister put the workout dvd in and she said go do it now. I'm thankfully that she's supportive and pushes me. I'm sorry you don't have a good relationship with your sister, in the past I didn't either so I know how hard it can be.
I was such a lasy A$$ yesterday! I didn't do my workout video and spent most of the day lounging in bed watching movies... Very dissapointed with myself.
I'm drawing a line. It was a bad day, but it's over now. I am thankful that I didn't over eat as well!
I'm getting back to it today. Exercising I mean!
I'm going to do an hour today and really work my butt off!! Plus try to stay very active, do some light dancing for a long time today as well as clean up my house! This is important to me so I need to act like it's important. I'm not going to let myself go over 1700 cals today!!! That's a promise I'm making tomyself and if I don't keep it it just means that this doesn't matter as much to me as I say it does!
The Climb

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

So some of you are probably wondering why I have Miley Cyrus lyrics in the middle of my weight loss journal... LOL
Well honestly for me this song decripts exactly what I'm learning about weight loss and it's one of the things that's keeping me going ATM.

I stepped on the scales after 2 weeks and I've lost nothing. nada. Not a single lb.
I've been working hard, I have things carefully planned out. I have to say that last week I could have exercised a bit more, and maybe eaten a bit less. But nonetheless I should have lost. With what I was doing counting logically from what I've read I should have lost 2 lbs the first week and at least 1 lb the second week. I lost nothing.
But as the song says it's always gunna be an uphill battle, and sometimes I'm gunna have to lose.....
I do feel better physically, adn I have been seeing changes in my body if not on the scale. Nothing huge, but progress nonetheless.
One thing I'm really learning is that I have to enjoy this process right here right now. I have to enjoy every single one of my workouts. I have to love the challenge of eating healthier/eating less and I have to love the small results it has on my body, etc.
Losing weight (for me at least) is a very tough process and so if I don't enjoy it, or at least parts of it I'm never going to make it.
Another thing that I have to remember is that it's really not about how fast I get there, or even about the destination at all. When I look back on all of this the part that I'm really going to remember and be super proud of is the climb. The journey that it took to get to that goal, that's really what's going to count.

I'm giving this till the end of this month, and if I'm still not seeing any results on the scale I'm going to have to completely rethink my strategy/approach. I've heard it can take up to two months for things to really kick off with the approach i'm taking, so I'm going to keep going with what I"m doing till then, and we'll see from there.
Hope you're doing well!
Yikes! Haven't been here in forever..
My diet has been very on again off again.. result: No progress.

I've started afresh this week though.
Anyways I'll just be writing the bad things I eat down from now on. Hopefully that'll give me extra motivation to eat healthy.

I did a fabulous stretch/yoga workout yesterday, about 20 mins.
Today I will be doing a full body strengh training workout, and maybe some walk/running..
Hope it goes well for you.