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What we all upto this Sunday?

I'm currently knee deep in a 2000 word essay for uni due in Friday but need it out of the way as I plan to have my dissertation (due in on the 18th) completely finished at handed in by this Friday also so as to have a weekend of disastrous proportions. Hope to get it all but finished by about 5 o'clock then after dinner go out on a massive walk simply as a means of killing time.

So what are the rest of you fine people doing this Sunday?

(oh...and if you think this thread is a way for me to distract myself from my work then you are......shut up!)

Whoa Puggso......
I am also doing a 4-5000 word masterpiece (ahem!) which has to be handed in by Friday.

Last friday I had exams followed by 2.5 days of more input.

Personally I am finding *anything* that distracts me from my task becomes very very important and needs to be done that precise moment! (sound familiar??)

Have also just bitten a chunk of my daughter's croissant (which incidentally was not delicious) but spat it into the bin instead of swallowing it. Do those calories still count eh??

Sunday is a right barrel of laughs in my household!!

Hope others are enjoying their weekend more!!

Mikki xxx
I miss being a student but I now have plenty of studying to do. I have to do exams for my new job and some of it is really tough
I used to work 13 out of 14 days so I only had 2 sundays off a month but I got a promotion so while I am training for my new role I get weekends off! It seems so strange. Ah well in 3 months it will be back to the real world and 3 days off a month!

blimey taz! that is some workload! hats off to you sweetie.

The pay is worth it. I am planning to cut back now I have a better paid job but it will probably end up the same!
I'm a softy really!

I try not to do too much as the more I do the harder it will be to maintain. I'm not really very fit so I take it steady.

A walk sounds like a nice idea. Might see if I can get Mr Taz off his arse and go walkies this afternoon

I dunno m'dear, 6 Hours kickboxing would certainly toughen me up! Am less terrified of people hurting me than me hurting myself on other people, am awfully clumsly and i know i would just miss and fall on the floor or something

my friend does Shoalin Kung Fu and he gets whipped and stuff... crazy.

have been pretty bad today calorie and exercise wise (not the best combination) but tomorrow i do my full bike test and will play badminton afterwards. Get back on track

Have a great Tuesday Everyone!