Lets See If We Can Loose The Weight Of A Person This Week!

Wow, well done everyone!

Now, any more takers? ANY MORE LOOSERS! LOL


only 3 stone and 12&1/2 bls (and yes the 1/2 is just as important as the rest!!!) to go and we have done it!
Well you can add my 13lb loss from Monday (week 1).

So that's 6st 4.5lbs?

Hw big is this person we're losing? Is it a 'normal' person, or a biggie like us? I think we should se how big a person we can lose!

P. :cool:
Hi All,

I lost 9lbs this week so that's 6st 13.5lbs.

If we are going for a 9st person than just 2st and 1/2lb left to get.

I think it's a good idea!

Great idea! We can see how big a person we can loose! Lets keep going gang!!!
5lbs for me so that's 7 stone 4.5lbs

My other half works in the IT department here where I work, and where my name should be on the screen of my telephone, instead he has programmed it to "Just Drink And Shrink" so I can't get away with not doing it!

:) Only 10 & half pounds to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i lost 6lbs

so thats now 8st 9.5 !!!!
this 'person' is growing by the minute!
2 lbs.............
Hi all, I've been following this thread but had to wait to weigh in day to add mine! Hope you don't mind me joining in, but I had to tell someone that I've lost 1 st 2 lbs this week(1st week on CD, so don't expect results like that every week!)
So thats 9 st 13.5 lb Nearly 10 stone person we've lost.
Well done everyone!
Lost 5.5lbs so that is 11 stone 8lbs