So, lost 1.5 lbs this week, which after Thorntonsgate I'm happy with
B: Activia, tea, slice of ham, apple
L: Baker, spag bol, M&S COU Rhubarb yoghurt (yum and free)
D: In myself tonight again

, so ham, egg, Sw chips, veggies.
S: Milk HEA, HEB Hi Fi bar
Syns: Dash of milk in coffee and 1/2 a slice of Guinness cake (am counting my whole 15 syns for this to cover it as its VERY rich)
So so tired recently. Be glad tomorrow when I have a day off, starting to get dark baggy eyes. And I need fruit in, but the Pope is coming tomorrow so roads will be mental. Think will come home, eat remaining fruit in bowl (3 apples) and go to shops tomorrow. I can always snack on veg instead I suppose.
I also need to drink more water as I think that didn't help this week either. Just so shattered and next week marks the beginning of the 13 hour shifts 3-4days in a row. Ugh.