wow that's amazingwell done! I bet it feels amazing! Like you there are some I'm missing from before but a few of the good ones have trickled back and we have tried to work hard to get this place buzzing again which I'm sure it will!
Oh dear how yuck! It is very headache inducing isn't it. I'm sheltering indoors from the 32' heat. Not good for little toesI bet you notice the difference now you skinny Minnie
last time I lost a lot I was permenantly cold!! Worth it though.
Yeah to no more papers.
Come on then bright spark how do with get this place buzzing before Jan 2017?
I need something to keep me motivated as haven't really bothered for coming up 2 years now.And this month has been a fail.
1st Aug is a Monday so no excuse as all good plans start on a Monday.I also have all of Aug off so should be able to get myself into some sort of exercise and eating routine.
. Hmm I'm not sure what's next. I'm doing tuna steak for lunch today but that's hardly going to attract the masses. I'll have a think. Suggestions on a postcard please!!Hoorah to finishing all the papers! That's a weight off your shoulders!
Eagerly awaiting your next vlog Sam, what's in the pipeline, if anything?
I can imagine!! I was no where near as hot as I used to be, it was very strange. I wore a lovely dress with no tights (eek) and felt OK, just below uncomfortable!
Weirdly, on the weight loss front, I don't feel too different, my parents say I look totally different but I don't feel it! I'm sure the penny will drop soon!! I hope I don't always feel too cold! In between would be lovely- yes, totally worth it!!
I had my daith pierced in January to help with the migraines, I'd been having them daily but since having my daith pierced I've not had a one. There's no scientific proof to say it works, but worth looking into.Glad that all is goodI am also good thank you although totally sick of this weather already! I really am no good with hot weather at all
it gives me a migraine and makes me feel horrid.. Maybe now I've lost some weight that will change? Who knows!
Lost 1.5lbs last night so very pleased and have 4lbs to go to my 2 Stone! So would like that at some point in the next few weekshope that you're enjoying this lovely weather!