The rice was nice. You do have to use some frozen fruit as yogurt alone didn't soften the rice so I had a bit of crunch to mine. Which was ok as it felt like I was eating something. IYKWIM.
I'm sorry I've been slack on the vlogs. TBH I just haven't had any potatoes if you can believe it. I'm eating a heck of a lot less of them these days. Having DD off school isn't helping either as I never have a minute to myself!
No probs! How about a picnic vlog? A bit more seasonal!
I've been AWOL this week as on holiday in Cornwall. Limited myself to one cream tea!
I can take or leave butter really- bread is my downfall for sure. Hope you're having a nice time with the kids?
Travelled home yesterday so didn't get up to much- did washing when I got home and cuddled all the animals before I crashed out. Today is a pottering day- I like going away on hols but I LOVE coming home!
Hmm I like that idea. We are away this coming week although I'll be able to check in until we go but I'll do some research on friendly picnic foods. Yum. I love a good picnic
I'm not expecting to lose anything this week. In fact I'll be pleased with a STS after last week simply because I'm not sure if my body understands why it lost 5lb. A part of which was down to illness on the Monday. So I suppose I should expect a gain maybe of some kind. Hope for the best plan for the worst.
The following week I pretty much guarantee I won't lose anything due to being at center parcs although there will be plenty of on my feet time!! I just booked us all on a 2 hour guided wildlife walk on the Sunday. That's got to be worth something!!
Hope you enjoyed Cornwall @RosiePops was the weather kind down in the West Country?
Just see how you go! Illness can make a difference in terms of dehydration but hopefully it'll settle.
We had a good time! The weather was ok but nothing like the week before where it was blazing sunshine :-/
I didn't mind too much as I can never be bothered to do stuff when it's too hot- we did all sorts while down there, Eden project, monkey sanctuary, village exploring and coastal walks. So worked well really!
Hope you have a good time at Centre Parcs- wildlife walk sounds good and definitely counts for something. I bet your pedometer stats (Apple watch?) will be impressive!
Will check out the exercise thread
Yes I'll be wearing the Apple Watch and checking my stats. I'm not sure at the moment how much attention I'll pay to food. I suspect that some major anxiety will kick in if I go too far off the wagon so think it may be time to roll out the flexi syns.
Will be interesting to see how they compare- looking at OH's stats our days were either really slow (around 3k steps) or more walking than usual (around 13k steps). I think it can be hit and miss when away!
Flexi-syns can be really useful just for keeping things in mind, though it can be hard to guesstimate some stuff. When do you go again? Memory like a fish.