Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

It's been good but I had another blow out today. I need to address this and quick smart. Think I'm just down about next week. Once it's over and I'm back I'm sure it will all get back on an even keel but I'm sulking internally.

Hope you're doing alright Sam. I don't have any children, but I can imagine that it can't be easy so I do feel for you. Like you've said though once you get back to it I'm sure you will be fine. You have done so well, and are a true inspiration to all of us.

Thanks for the kind and constructive words. I have to admit I totally went to ground and being the emotional eater I am totally went off plan last few days. It was harder than I imagined. I thought it would be OK as been there done that mentality but, well, it wasn't. I'll be taking this week as holiday and getting back on it. I need to re-evaluate my mindset moving forward. I did try but it's like a switch flicks in my brain. I'm thankful to say that it happens a lot less often these days but I'm only human. Once I am in this routine I'll be ok. I'm planning on taking a fruit bowl into work tomorrow and filling it for those weak moments.
You are back now and you didn't disappear altogether.
You have come back after a couple of days and have owned up.
Being prepared is the key to success.:)
Fail to prepare. Prepare to fail. I will be stopping in at Sainsburys on the way to work tomorrow for fruit
Hi, I've just caught up, I've not been here for ages as I've been on holiday.

You're doing amazingly well with the weight loss even though you weren't looking forward to going back to work, you've still managed to loose weight & have the odd binge.

I know I'm late to the 'tea' chat but I also like green tea, I must admit though I didn't like the Gingerbread/Cherry Bakewell & Salted Caramel ones they just didn't appeal to me. I don't really drink milk and much happier with green/herbal teas, my fav at the mo are licorice, jasmine & lemon & ginger, off out shopping tonight & intend to stock up on my teas.

I hope going back to work has been ok for you & not too traumatic.
It's been awful actually but it will get easier and I'm sure I'll soon be wondering what the fuss was
Ps we now have an official office fruit bowl ;)
Don't be too hard on yourself. Get this week out of the way then you will have more of an idea how your weeks are going to go. :)

P.S I hope your office fruit bowl contains fruit. ;-)
Haha yes it does. In fact tomorrow I will photograph it as proof. It's all apples and bananas pretty much as I lack imagination with fruit.

I've been so busy I have really missed being on here. I shall try and make it a lunch time ritual to check in. I have forgotten what it's like to be at work all day every day!! :eek:
Check it out. I had a banana for breakfast with a yoghurt


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Go you with the fruit bowl.:)

Working full time,having a family and trying to juggle everything else is hard. I done it for several years.When kids were small I started off doing weekends,then night sleep ins at a residential home.As they got older I took a P/T day job then it went F/T. I still had to do the shopping,running them around and everything else as I was the only one Mon -Fri to be able to do it with OH being away.But you find a way of keep going and it's not until you stop that you try and work out how you managed it all. Now I'm 'free' I still can't fit everything I want to do in a day. :rolleyes:
I have to say I don't often make it into an Iceland. This is one mum that's gone to tesco instead. Only because there isn't one within easy parking distance however I'll check those out when I can!
Go you with the fruit bowl.:)

Working full time,having a family and trying to juggle everything else is hard. I done it for several years.When kids were small I started off doing weekends,then night sleep ins at a residential home.As they got older I took a P/T day job then it went F/T. I still had to do the shopping,running them around and everything else as I was the only one Mon -Fri to be able to do it with OH being away.But you find a way of keep going and it's not until you stop that you try and work out how you managed it all. Now I'm 'free' I still can't fit everything I want to do in a day. :rolleyes:

I will freely admit that I'm struggling at the moment. It's like I can't think about food in the same way because there is too much in my head. Goodness knows that will only get worse when the actual teaching starts!!

I feel bad because I know I'm eating too much of the "easier" stuff but I'm up at 6 if not before and then don't stop until 7pm at the earliest. I just don't want to slip backwards. Mentally it's proving to be very very difficult indeed.

I can't even check in on here as much to get a kick up the bum. So I'm asking for one now. You can all line up and kick my bum....go!
I'm Tesco and Sainsburys girl.:)

Do the best you can Sam. Just make sure if you are eating more of the easier stuff keep track of the calories so you don't over indulge in them.
Your home and work life comes first and we will always be here for you when you have time to pop in.
I'll start nagging you on whatsapp.;)
Haha yes I need you to!!

On the plus side I picked up my get cutie skirt today thinking that a size 16 cut from a vintage block (so more like a 14) wouldn't fit but it does. I'm currently wearing it and on way to a party in it shortly. It's sitting more on my waist and I would prefer it a bit lower but that will come and TBH I'll take it!!! :) :)
Awww bless it is so hard at times & it does get you down, I'm up at 5:45 each morning & recently found I was constantly working, house stuff, shopping etc & not sitting down until late. I then decided I was doing some things the others can do like empty the dishwasher, but I like to keep control of things like the polishing, cleaning bathroom doing that did free up my time, but then again I've not got two little ones to cope with!

Just do what you can when you can, just take each meal at a time, make simple meals you can all eat, make use of the slow cooker, did you buy a soup maker? if so use that, and it will take a time for you to get back in to a routine, don't expect it all to fall together immediately.