Lives here....
2lb down on Christmas morning. Happy crimbo everyone!! Love you all! Whoop whoop xxxx
Wednesday 13th Nov
Yes I can spell and yes I realise that these insects are not exactly abundant in November. So what is she on about now, I practically hear you sigh. Well actually its nothing to do with wasps or bees (Incidentally I like bees better, friendlier, not cuddly as such but just a little softer, rounder and altogether more Disney. I can't see A Wasp Movie receiving the same reception somehow). WWASPE is an idea I mentioned on the Christmas gains/maintains etc thread. It stands for What Would A Slim Person Eat. The bracelet works like the Christian WWJD bracelets (If you don't know google it - what am I? Your mum?) so if I'm ever tempted this will, hopefully help me take the sensible route.
I'm thinking of flogging them on eBay. Who knows it could be the next Pandora.....
Do you sell these.. Great idea and a fantastic mind game remembering it... I'll buy one !!! x
Maybe I will! If I do you guys will be the first to know! I was actually sick today. I wasn't that bad with food but as my husband pointed out the picking whilst cooking and richer foods didn't help and I felt so so awful after lunch. In the end I gave in and stopped trying to keep it down. Sorry for the TMI I just said to him that one thing I have learnt over the last two days is its just not worth it. It's not worth that awful tight feeling in my tummy and the reflux and the GUILT!! I never believed all that people said about how your stomach shrinks etc but it must do!! In years gone by Id have eaten all that AND more for tea. Plenty of green and mint tea for me tomorrow, a walk and some fresh air. Bleurgh I feel yuk!!!