Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

I'm another avid reader and love Good Reads... thank goodness books don't have a calorific value as I binge on them in just the same way that I do food :/ Which is in itself food for thought ... why am I such an 'all or nothing' person?
Tuesday 12th Nov

The plate that Sam built

I adhere to the 1/3 rule about 99% of the time. In fact its closer to 50% of my plate BUT I do like to build upwards. So, much like the iceberg that sank the titanic, you may only see 25% of the actual veg on my plate as the rest is strategically hidden, nestling under my actifry chips and lean chicken breast rubbed with spice. I have seen a few other peoples plates of food on here, those that post a photo food diary and so on. I'd starve. I have a big appetite and I love food, one of the reasons SW suits me so well. Its real proper honest to goodness FOOD. No ping cuisine in our house unless its beans in a mug. I think the portion sizes may reduce as time goes on and weightloss begins its inevitable slow decline into the 1lb a month stage but until then I will eat!!!
Where to start? There's so much to respond to!

Thank you for introducing me to the Good Read site; I can't believe I haven't come across it before and as it's vaguely work related I can browse it whilst sitting on the enquiry desk at work without it looking as though I'm not working if you see what I mean! I fear my Kindle is going to take a hit but a least I can try before I buy so *should* be able to spend wisely. Oh dear, so many books and so little time!

I can't believe that a Year 10 student doesn't know the significance of the poppies as so much effort has been put into making Remembrance Day more relevant to modern life. Or have I misunderstood and she does realise that the poppies are to do with remembering the Fallen but doesn't know why poppies? Either way, it's sad. Did you see the Poppy Girls perform on Saturday night and how one of them was surprised by the unexpected return of her father from active service? The way she ran to hug him brought the same shivers down my spine as Jenny Agutter's 'Daddy, my Daddy' scene at the end of The Railway Children.

I think I also owe you thanks for introducing me to Butter Mint tea - my current favourite. It was you who mentioned it on one of the other thread's, wasn't it?
Yes butter mint tea is my new crusade. I will change the world of tea drinkers one cup at a time!! :)

Glad you like Good Reads. If you PM me with your name I'll look you up and add you on there. That way my friends list will reach the dizzying heights of 5!! Ha!!

I think the poppy thing was more that she didn't understand their significance and the imagery of the poppy is more visual to them than representative of the fallen, everything has to have a 'tag' these days and the true reason for it is slowly lost. I imagine that they think Easter is about chocolate. Don't get me wrong, I am a confirmed atheist BUT I do think that one should be fully aware of what one doesn't believe in?! Otherwise how can you dismiss it with good conscience? I'd say the same about aliens, ghosts and the soul of Michael Gove.

"In Flanders Field the poppies blow, between the crosses, row on row...."
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hows the scan bran challenge going Sam?
hows the scan bran challenge going Sam?

"Going" being the operative word haha!! I can normally only do a two week stretch them my system needs some down time. Its good but it's not as effective as I had a new implant recently so my hormones are a bit squiffy meaning I'm retaining, I'm not retaining, I'm retaining again. When I did it before it was a steady loss but, well, let's see what Thursday WI brings!!!!

How have you settled in to SW after, what is it now, 6 weeks? Having done Dukan that is?
Ahhh the dreaded hormones. I'm coming to injection renewal time and who knows what that will bring.
Scan bran does intrigue me but don't think I'm quite ready to try it.

I think its safe to say that I've just about got my head round SW. It's obvs much more friendly than Dukan, but its taken me this long to realise that this slow and steady loss is ok. Well worth it seeing as I'm not eating cottage cheese and crabsticks for breakfast and just enjoyed a guilt-free Bounty.
Still petrified of weigh-in each week though- think that's fear of humiliation in front of group though. Makes my tummy go just thinking about it!

I enjoy reading your diary. Btw I've never been fond of Jim- what a doucher! lol
Omg the crab sticks. Yes, packets of those I ate, packets. Then read on the forum that they have feckin sugar in. Think that was the last Dukan straw for me. It's just not long term friendly at all!!! I agree the slow and steady approach, the tortoise if you will, is harder to accept early stages but once you are in its for life. A bit like joining a cult but with more food and less questionable initiations.
Don't blame you both for giving up on Dukan. I did it for a week and was put of it for life after having one of the worst toilet experiences ever!

Kimberley, I have the same fear about WI, but I went this week, put on a pound for the second week running and no-one made a big deal of it at all. Since then I've realised it's no so big and scary!
Wed 13th Nov

What will the 'new me' look like?

In the inspirational photos someone has made a comment about people saying they have lost weight and what will they say when she is at target. I've thought about this too, but more importantly what will I say? I have been battling with my curves since I was a teenager and so to be totally honest I have no idea what slim looks like. I have been bigger than I am now and marginally smaller but I am about to embark upon the unknown. The size 14s and downwards. I genuinely do not know how that will look on me. Maybe I'll look haggard and older, maybe, despite copious moisturisisation (not actually a word but should be. Much like my favourite non-word "squoze" - I'm compiling a dictionary, feel free to contribute. Samuel Pepys eat your Heart: (noun) Muscle in the body responsible for pumping blood, out)

I have forgotten where I was, oh yes, I may end up all saggy. Urgh. On the other hand I may spring from my fat chrysalis a newly lithe butterfly, all long limbs and muscle tone. Minus the wings unfortunately.

Whoever this new Sam is and whatever she looks like I look forward to the day I can greet her and say...fancy a Pizza? Ha
Playing catch up on reading your diary.

I too am looking forward to a slim me, been there countless times before but never stuck there long enough to actually enjoy it!! And only succeeded in buying lots of useless clothes that are now too small.

First WI today and 5lbs off so I must be doing something right :0)

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Playing catch up on reading your diary.

I too am looking forward to a slim me, been there countless times before but never stuck there long enough to actually enjoy it!! And only succeeded in buying lots of useless clothes that are now too small.

First WI today and 5lbs off so I must be doing something right :0)

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That's a fab loss!! Well done! I'm thinking of periodically clearing out clothes as I go so there is never the possibility of getting back into them. Mentally that's me done with that size!!
Thank you :0)

Yep, me too, I need to throw out my big clothes as I go down so that comfort zone to go back is removed!

I'm hoping to get back into the smaller items as they're within my goal range though! Time will tell.


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Wednesday 13th Nov


Yes I can spell and yes I realise that these insects are not exactly abundant in November. So what is she on about now, I practically hear you sigh. Well actually its nothing to do with wasps or bees (Incidentally I like bees better, friendlier, not cuddly as such but just a little softer, rounder and altogether more Disney. I can't see A Wasp Movie receiving the same reception somehow). WWASPE is an idea I mentioned on the Christmas gains/maintains etc thread. It stands for What Would A Slim Person Eat. The bracelet works like the Christian WWJD bracelets (If you don't know google it - what am I? Your mum? ;)) so if I'm ever tempted this will, hopefully help me take the sensible route.

I'm thinking of flogging them on eBay. Who knows it could be the next Pandora.....


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I loved your WWASPE idea on the Christmas thread and have adopted it as my daily mantra whenever temptation crosses my path ... I NEED one of these bracelets :D

Personally I don't use my syns for treat items as I know that once I start with chocolate/cake (even scan bran cake)/crisps etc, I may not be able to stop ... I'm hoping that in time WWASPE will become so automatic that a single small bag of crisps occasionally won't risk leading to a feeding frenzy.
I loved your WWASPE idea on the Christmas thread and have adopted it as my daily mantra whenever temptation crosses my path ... I NEED one of these bracelets :D

Personally I don't use my syns for treat items as I know that once I start with chocolate/cake (even scan bran cake)/crisps etc, I may not be able to stop ... I'm hoping that in time WWASPE will become so automatic that a single small bag of crisps occasionally won't risk leading to a feeding frenzy.

I am SO going to put these on eBay to make my millions :) they are really easy to make all you need is cord and beads. Have a go!
I'd buy one!

Hi :) subscribing. I'm not doing SW and probably can't offer you any helpful advice but you make me chortle so I'm sticking around *waves*.
If you use elastic rather than cord then you could reinforce the thought by snapping it against your wrist? Mmm - think I might try this.

I've thrown out things I've shrunk out of. I've spent so long avoiding spending money on new or 'good' things that my cast-offs are no good to anyone! I love being able to buy things I really, really like rather than just because it'll go round me.

One pair of trousers and one skirt from my 'fat days' are hiding in my wardrobe - purely for comparison. I am never going back to that size again.
I loved your WWASPE idea on the Christmas thread and have adopted it as my daily mantra whenever temptation crosses my path ... I NEED one of these bracelets :D

Personally I don't use my syns for treat items as I know that once I start with chocolate/cake (even scan bran cake)/crisps etc, I may not be able to stop ... I'm hoping that in time WWASPE will become so automatic that a single small bag of crisps occasionally won't risk leading to a feeding frenzy.

Molly I'm the same! If I don't have anything like that in I don't want it, but if I have something I just cannot stop at a little bit! It has to be the whole bag or packet or bar! It's just easier to do without!