Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Thursday 14th Nov

Christmas Outfit......TICK

Hard core retail therapy today. I had decided that I was getting something nice for Christmas and that it would be a size 14. Even if it didn't fit TODAY I was buying it and it WOULD fit come the big day.

So I bought the dress below...

Now it won't give me pins like hers (or the cheekbones - cow). So I bought glittery high denier tights. BUT blow me down it only blimmin fitted. In a 14. In H&M who are, as we know, not known for generosity in sizing. I jumped around a bit in the changing room. Not much because I'm very reserved ;) (That's a lie btw)

Then, as puts it, "you have to go hard or you have to go home" so we went home....I was knackered. Hard core? Nah!!


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Oh I absolutely love it!!!
Its like diamonds shining in the sky- its gorge! And I like your positivity.
I'm glad I'm not the only one already planning Christmas outfit. I decided a couple of days ago that it has to be SEQUINS and nothing less. Ha!

I just saw your update too- it fits today? Oh thats even better news (you'll probably need a new outfit by Christmas then! :p)
Oh I absolutely love it!!!
Its like diamonds shining in the sky- its gorge! And I like your positivity.
I'm glad I'm not the only one already planning Christmas outfit. I decided a couple of days ago that it has to be SEQUINS and nothing less. Ha!

I just saw your update too- it fits today? Oh thats even better news (you'll probably need a new outfit by Christmas then! :p)

Haha my husband just said "shouldn't you have got the 12?" No concept of achievement. Men.
Friday 15th Nov

I've lost my daughter!

Not literally, that would be careless. But madam weighs in at 2st 5lbs and as of yesterday I had lost 2st 6lbs! This means that if I pick her up and get on the scales they show exactly my start weight + 1lb!! She is flipping heavy to carry around but I used to carry her equivalent day in and day out. No wonder I got so tired so easily!!! Don't get me wrong I'm hardly running around like Usain Bolt or doing the Mo-bot but simple things like running up and down stairs and being on my feet all day at work are getting significantly easier.

The bad thing being that I said all this to my husband in front of little one and she got upset thinking I had ACTUALLY lost her. Guilt overload!!!
Friday 15th Nov

Guerrilla comedy...

My new mission is to inject some humour into this site in unexpected locations. I have dabbled recently but it was totally missed.

That, in itself is the objective. I will sneak little nuggets of my brain contents into random threads here and there. It's going to be a bit like where's Wally (literally). Catch me if you can...
And so it begins!
Aw bless you're poor wee daughter getting upset about you 'losing' her!!
Oh, also meant to say a massive well done on the h&m size 14!! Their sizes are so teeny!
Aw bless you're poor wee daughter getting upset about you 'losing' her!!

I know I felt so guilty. Her little face!!!
Saturday 16th Nov

Ebay catharsis

On the back of my Christmas outfit sizing success I decided to have a fully cathartic wardrobe cull. I pulled everything out from casual to workwear and found over 30 items that were too big!!! Whoop. I have listed the LOT on eBay as I NEVER want to see it again. Plus I live hope of funding a new pair of size 14 jeans! I may cry if that happens. I don't dare get rid of everything because going to work naked, as a teacher, is generally frowned upon ;) Unless it's the last day of term of course.
Maybe he sold all his clothes on EBay too ;)