Anyone else fed up with 'swap to CD and you'll be fine without the counselling' attitude that runs rife on this site?
I'm sick of it
I suppose it is only natural given that most people are either on CD or have swapped from LL but I haven't got the time or energy to keep pointing out the benefits of the follow up that NEVER seem to get pointed out by those that quick to say swap
Losing the weight twice on CD cost more than losing it once on LL.
LL for me is about given myself the best chances long term of keeping the weight off and not about the cheapest way of getting to my goal.
I'm afraid to say that this site is getting me down at the moment which is why I have been posting less. I have never said that LL is best for everyone but the numbers of people making a similar claim about CD and judging what is best for someone without knowing if it is best or not is worrying.
I try to present the pros and cons of both and let the individual decide rather than just saying to go ahead and do something that might not be for the best. Shame others can't take the same attitude