Ah cool
the teams(well this is my understanding)
will kinda be like the teams on the biggest loser, competing against other teams on weight loss and stuff to see whos best team each week/month and slimmer of the month and stuff its jus bit of fun to motivate everyone
ill message her to let you know you wanna join k?
also check out Ideal Soulutions its a thing i saw on xpose on tv about how to beat cravings might be a way to beat muffin attacks
i got the i can make you thin cd and book it really helps you to stop wen hungry only eat wen full etc and theres a piece he does on how to give up some food forever, apparently it works on his show (paul mckennas his name just remembered!!) well apparently it worked for a load of people it might be worth checking out youl get it in any bookshop