well i had a great sleep, woke up, and u no when ppl saying she woke up on the wrong side of the bed, well that was me today. I dont know why. Was on the bus into work and everyone was annoying me. Got to work and didnt want to be there, i just knew it was going to be a bad day esp with food.
Ok here it goes, i wasnt going to post it up but i am only fouling myself.
Muffin 8 points
twix fun size 1 1/2
2 slices brown bread 2 points
3 slices Salmon 1 1/2
2 R Krispie Buns 3 points
1 R Krispie Bar 1 1/2
2 Bowls of Crunchy Nut 6 Points?
R Krispie Bar 1 1/2
weird dinner i know but i wasnt in the humour of cooking
then i went to my gym induction so i will start that tomorrow eve when i get my log in card tomorrow, and then to make matters worse my EX bloody texts me to see how i am
anyways, one positive thing that happened today, i came home and the gate that has been waking me up for the past 4 months has FINALLY Been fixed WOHOOO

ill start toget a full nights sleep now and Man Utd are winning 1 -0 wohooo
ok just counted points 25?? so i only went over 2 points even though i thought it was way more, not to bad then i suppose lol