Stick a fork in me, I'm done...
I don't know what came over me. Maybe it was the pitiful Bank Holiday weather. Maybe it was spending the night being woken up at odd intervals by my DS coughing his guts up (yes - he has a cold - and he's being very man-flu with it

). Maybe it was being woken up at 5.50 by my OH who went off to work (intensive care nurse).
But by 8.30, I was defrosting the freezer. By 10.00, I was clearing out my wardrobe.

I took the pull-everything-out-then-work-out-what-you-want-to-put-back approach. It was probably just as well - there was no way I could chicken out after that. I've thrown out two bulging large bin bags of clothes! And computer boxes to computers that I don't even own anymore!
Next, I finished defrosting the freezer (it took 4 hours

) and set about tidying up the kitchen.
I finally had some lunch at 2.00, tidied up a bit more, decided I'd better have a rest and listened to Marisa's hypnosis CD for half an hour, had a shower (well, I figured it was time I got dressed), did some more kitchen clearing and finally stopped about an hour ago.
I'm knackered! But strangely satisfied, LOL. Quite why I felt the urge to do all that, I have no idea!
Maybe now I'm finally tidying up my mind, I can get on with tidying up our house? :faint2:
Oh - and still no change on the scales. Still stuck on 14st 3lbs. But TOTM arrived today, 3 days early, so maybe that's why? :cross: