Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Hi Lilly, I have just been catching up on your diary. You sound so much happier and I am so glad you have found something that has clicked for you :D:D well done You !!!
Of course what really happens is that when I post a new message the post counts is updated in the profile and that same profile (i.e. the same number of posts) is visible in all my posts, including old ones. That's why it seems as if the post count isn't increasing when in fact it is :eek::eek::eek:

Hope you've had a good day Lily!

Ohhhh... :eek: Doh. :) Yes, that'll be it, of course.

Had quite a nice day, thanks Alli. Just wish the scales would move. I'm having to bring out my heavy duty 'just stick with it woman, it'll work' speech every morning and it's getting a bit old. Especially as I might be wrong about the protein thing, apparently (that the increase in my protein intake could be causing me to gain muscle - so that fat loss isn't showing up at the scales). But I'm not convinced. Why are my clothes looser and how come I look slimmer when the scales aren't budging??? I guess I shouldn't knock it, but the number on the scales matters so much more than it should. Would I rather look slimmer or be 13st something (instead of 14st something)?

Well, obviously... I want both. :sigh:

Hi Lilly, I have just been catching up on your diary. You sound so much happier and I am so glad you have found something that has clicked for you :D:D well done You !!!

I am happier, Sarah Lou, no doubt about that. But I want to be able to go and buy new clothes now. Scrub that - I want to have to go out and buy smaller clothes.

Patience...:rolleyes: Never have had much of that.
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Hmm. After posting on Jess' diary earlier (Mrs Lampard), I've spent the evening looking for answers about why the scales get stuck when you swap from Cambridge to a more conventional diet.

And the nearest I've got is this: - Living With Obesity At 700 Calories Per Day!

In case the link stops working at some point, I'll drop the text in here.

I want you to consider a common female client. She's a woman about 5'5" and 185 pounds. A combination of a mostly sedentary lifestyle, quick-fix, processed foods and consistent excessively low calories has resulted in an incredibly stubborn fat loss scenario. Not only has it created a stubborn fat loss scenario but her ability to add body fat is remarkably strong.

Most would believe there is simply no possible way she could be 185 pounds eating mostly low calories. While it's true the average obese American created their own obesity by being a huge over consumer, a sedentary glutton if you will, many are able to maintain their level of obesity with the following formula in very precise ratios: starvation + binges + sedentary lifestyle.

An initial review of this woman's calories indicates she is just above starvation level in the 400-700 per day range. The food choices are mostly protein in this case (low-carb is all the rage you know) and there are virtually no vegetables or fruits to speak of.

Five or six days per week the calories remain low in this range, however, there are nighttime binges from time to time and weekend binges where carbs loaded with fat (doughnuts, rolls, cookies, pizza etc.) are consumed.

So while the calories are very low the majority of the time, there are one to two days per week where this isn't always the case. Even so, the nighttime binges and weekend slack offs don't amount to what you might presume would be thousands of extra calories, thus explaining the 185-pound body weight.

Very few foods are prepared from home. There are lots of fast foods being consumed. Convenience and taste rule.

I must say. Early on in my coaching and teaching career this woman was a real head scratcher for me. Isn't it calories in and calories out? Even if she's not active she's starving!

How in the heck does she stay at 185 eating an average, including all binges, of maybe 750 calories per day? She's frustrated beyond belief. She sees her friends and coworkers eating more and weighing less. Is she simply unlucky? Is everyone else blessed? And what in the world is she supposed to do to fix this, if it can be fixed?

Why Is She Not Losing Weight?
First, let me tell you why she's not losing weight. Then I'll tell you what she has to do to fix the situation. With a chronic (months and months) intake of less than 1000 calories per day and a 185-pound body weight her metabolism is suffering greatly. It's running cool, not hot. It's basically running at a snail's pace.

Think of it this way. Her metabolism has matched itself to her intake. She could, indeed, lose body fat but she's in that gray area where she is eating too few calories but not quite at the concentration-camp level yet.

If she were to consume 100-300 calories per day her body would have virtually no choice but to begin liberating stored body fat. This is NOT the solution. It's unhealthy and, in fact, quite stupid.

Not only has her metabolism matched her intake, her body has maximized production of enzymes that are designed to help store any additional calories as fat. Anytime additional, immediately-unnecessary calories are consumed the enzymes are there and waiting to store the additional calories as fat. Her body is starved nutritionally and it has one thing on its mind - survival.

Being mostly sedentary, her metabolism (hormones play a large role here) can do a pretty good job of keeping things slow enough so that the pathetically low calories she's consuming are just enough to maintain.

But since certain enzymes are elevated, waiting for more calories so more bodyfat can be stored, every nighttime binge or weekend mini-feast will contribute to fat stores.

So on the days she's not bingeing her body does not lose fat, or if it does, it's very little. And on the few days or times she does binge a bit her body is quite efficient at storing fat. So, while she may lose a smidge of fat from starving it is quickly replaced with every binge.

Remember, these binges aren't a gluttonous 4000-calorie feast. Oh no, a binge might be 4-5 cookies worth about 500-700 calories. Nevertheless, since the binge foods are mostly carbs and fat it's very easy for the enzymes to shuttle the dietary fat into stored body fat. It's what they were designed to do.

So, What's The Solution?
Well then, now that we presumably know some valid reasons why she's not seeing a scale change and definitely no body fat change how do we fix her? We have to do something she's going to freak out over.

We have to get her eating more. Not only do we have to get her eating more but more of the right, whole foods need to be eaten. Foods lower in fat that aren't as easily STORED as body fat have to be consumed. And we have to warn her.

A Discouraging Start
We have to warn her that since she's been sedentarily living on protein with binges of carbs and fats she is likely to see a weight gain right away. It's true.

Once we begin really feeding her body with nutritious carbohydrates so she can become more active, her glycogen-depleted body will hang on to some of those carbohydrates (in skeletal muscle and liver) so she has stored energy for activity.

When her body hangs on to those carbohydrates it has no choice but to hang on to more water too. For every gram of glycogen (stored carbs) she stores she'll hang on to three grams of water.

This is not a negative response by the body but it will be interpreted by her as quite negative when she steps on the scale.

It's quite likely she'll see a five to seven pound weight gain when she really starts eating properly again. This weight gain will remain for one to three weeks before it starts moving in the other direction.

For argument's sake let's assume my Calorie Calculator and Goal Setter at Club Lifestyle suggests a 1500-calorie per day average in week one for a one-pound loss per week. First, she is going to freak out about this many calories.

For months she's been eating less than 1000 and usually around 400-700 in one to three feedings total per day. To her 1500 calories is a ton of food. And if she even begins to eat less fast and packaged-foods it will be a ton of food.

There is no doubt whatsoever that she will resist the increase. This resistance may take one to three weeks to overcome. During this period no weight loss will occur. She is too fat already in her mind and believes it will only hurt her to increase her food intake.

I mean, after all, isn't that how she got fat to begin with? In her early stages of fat gain this was probably true. She overconsumed. But as I've said already, that's not why she's staying heavy.

In addition to a freaked-out mindset about adding more food to her already overfat body she will simply find that it's all but impossible to eat four or more times per day.

She's just not hungry at first. Makes sense when you think about it. Why would she be hungry three hours after eating a 300-calorie, balanced breakfast? Her body is used to 400-700 calories per day!

So, even though she gets a plan and begins using my nutrition analyzer to log foods and meals she finds after having a balanced breakfast of 250 calories she couldn't force herself to eat meal number two on time.

It'll take several more days of realizing what is going on and being one-hundred percent honest and diligent with her logging and planning before she begins to eat her meals as planned no matter what - even if she's not hungry.

By now two to four weeks have passed and the only thing she's seen on the scale is it going up--not very encouraging if I say so myself.

Raising The Grade
After the first two to four weeks have passed she's probably beginning to consume her meals as planned although not quite like an "A" student yet. That is coming. She feels better because she's working out and is more active.

And she feels like she has more energy throughout the day because she's feeding her body more calories and the right kinds of calories.

She has finally begun eating the right kinds of fast foods (low in fat, moderate in protein) and less packaged food overall. She is making more meals from home and taking them to work for lunch rather than always grabbing something quick from a vending machine or the break room that always has some treat another employee brought in.

After another two weeks or so she's moved from a "B" grade to more consistent "A"s. She's planning her days one day ahead in the Nutrition Analyzer; she's consuming fresh veggies and fruits on a daily basis.

Her calories are almost ALWAYS in line with what is recommended by my Lean Account and she has seen her first signs of the scale moving in the right direction.

She is now dropping from 190 pounds (her high after reintroducing food and carbohydrates again) to 189.3! "Progress at last!" she says. In actuality, the entire process was progress. But that's not how she saw it in the beginning...

Now I honestly don't know how accurate this is, but it sounds familiar. I've already caught myself thinking, "I must be eating too much!" when I know deep down I'm not. But those are the mind games we play, especially those of us who have been on and off Cambridge for a while.

Massively long post, sorry. :eek: But it made me think... :)
And finally - before I go to bed... :D

Dr Michael Eades of 'Protein Power' fame (a low carb diet guru) would seem to be backing up my rebuilding muscle theory in this comment on his blog (well worth a read if you want to know more about ketosis):

Dr. Mike

I have recently switched from a calorically restricted very low carb diet to a non-restricted zero carb diet. My weight has gone from 161.5 to 178.5 in about 40 days. Granted I was previously eating 1000 calories per day and am now eating ~4000. Is it possible for this gain to represent a fat gain? I simply do not see how it could be possible. The only thing I can think of is that it must have been muscle mass.

In your post you stated that glucose needs may come from muscles and this seems to be especially true on a restricted diet.


Hi Freddy–

Right you are: glucose comes from muscle on a restricted diet.

I would suspect that you weight gain is primarily muscle mass. If you’ve been on a 1000 kcal/day diet for any length of time, you will have almost certainly reduced your lean body mass, which will return once you start consuming more calories and more protein. You should be able to tell yourself whether it’s fat or muscle. Has your waist size increased significantly?

The interesting part of your history is what has happened to the extra calories you’ve consumed since increasing your caloric intake. If my math is correct, you’ve gained 17 pounds since you increased your caloric intake. The rule of thumb on stored fat is that it contains about 3,500 kcal/lb, so (assuming you stored all your excess energy as fat) the 17 lb gain represents 17 X 3500 = 59,500 kcal. You’ve increased your daily caloric intake by 3000 kcal (4000 – 1000) and you’ve been doing so for 40 days. 40 X 3000 = 120,000 kcal. Yet you’ve only stored about half that. Where did the rest go? You’re metabolic rate is probably about 2000 kcal/day so that extra 1000 kcal (above the 1000 kcal provided by your original diet) represents 40,000 kcal. 59,500 + 40,000 = 99,500. 120,000 – 99,500 = 20,500 kcal unaccounted for. 20,500/40 days = 512.5 kcal/day. Where did it go? If you converted most of the excess calories into lean body mass (muscle + organ + bone), calories would be required for the growth. So, given the calculations, I would bet you put most of the excess calories into lean body mass.



Okay, so 40 days is nearly 6 weeks and to eat 4,000 calories a day seems a little over the top :eek: but the maths works.

So I'm not too way off base, then. :D It is at least possible that I'm losing fat but gaining muscle.
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Morning Lily - You've been busy researching, haven't you ;)

I don't know what the answer is but the problem with this kind of science is that there's so much information out there and more or less any theory can be backed up by research / studies etc. I also believe we do lose some muscle mass when doing VLCD although I think this loss is reduced by being in ketosis. The rest I don't have a clue about so won't even go there :D. It's interesting though...

Have a great day!
Morning Lily (you Lean Mean Researching Machine!

Interesting posts... it certainly makes me think that carb binges are not okay -- ever!

I need to make an ARC based on this info... i.e.
Carb based binges can do a lot more harm than what the base calories would lead you to think. LOW GI is important always!

Credit! Card made!
:cry:See Lily, this is why you can't move your diary to the Gold Section!!

How would I go on without you?
Oh, doh. :)

I've just had one of those epiffy-wotsit moments. There was me thinking the scales have got stuck.

Uh uh. No they haven't. I've just been reading back through my diary. And when I started doing Marisa Peer's 'You can be thin' plan, I weighed 14st 6lbs. I didn't weigh in this morning (cos I thought it might be doing me harm to keep weighing in). But when I weighed myself yesterday, I was 14st 3lbs.

I've lost 3lbs in 3 weeks. :D Okay, it's not speedy, but if you consider I thought I wasn't losing anything, that's amazing.

Sigh. Trust in the plan, Lily, trust in the plan... :rolleyes:
That's great Lily, just great. Considering its a plan where no food is forbidden as such and it simply relies on you choosing healthier foods it's a big leap of faith you take when you commit - just goes to show that you can trust yourself with the right help..

Thanks for the rep - it gave me a big smile this morning! :)
Lily I love your diary! The passage about the woman not eating enough makes sooo much sense to me - the amount of times in my life I have shouted and screamed at the scales, at my boyfriend and at the mirror 'I'm starving myself and I'm STILL not losing weight what the hell is it going to TAKE!' before angrily binging and then guiltily going back to starving myself because 'eating less than 100 calories a day HAS to work'

Well we all know it hasn't which is why I'm here!

I now have far more trust that I am going to maintain my weight all because of YOU lily :D I was feeling sick at the thought of having to survive on so few calories a day because this is what I was doing before and that is what led to me being overweight in the first place!

I think I'm going to switch to weight watchers soon, before reading your post I just couldn't conceive how I could eat carbs, how i could eat fat, and how i could possibly eat 1500 calories a day and STILL lose weight when previously I've eaten as little as 400 - 500 calories and not lost a thing! Now.. I UNDERSTAND!

And I think it actually might work!!! HOw amazing to be told I can actually eat for the rest of my life and still be slim WOOHOOOO

Loving you right now Lily, please keep your diary right here where I can see it!!
:cry:See Lily, this is why you can't move your diary to the Gold Section!!

How would I go on without you?

Here here, excellent to catch up on your posts and fantastic research. Scares me a bit to be honest and totally explains my own regain after my first run through on CD.

How are you doing?

If you move your diary there will be public protests btw xx
Okay, okay - I won't move it! Though I have set up another diary in the gold members forum (ha, LOL - gold member :D) so that I can waffle on about food and stuff without making sole sourcers dribble. I've called that one 'Lily's Golden Lyrical Lollop to Lighterville'. Sadly, you won't be able to see it if you haven't got 1,500 posts, sorry. Alli (Herewego) will have some great tips on how to ramp up your post count if you need 'em. ;)
Just as long as you post here too! I'm glad you're getting on so well with Marisa's plan hon x
Hurraaaaaaaaaaaah. I mentioned quiche on my thread....will I get arrested?
I'm sending the Quiche Police around right now! :copon:

Be afraid - be very afraid... :D
Carrot cake and cream. That was my baddest thing. Am now certain to be rounded up.