Anyway, I'm feeling quite positive that I can carry on with Cambridge today as normal. I don't think I have any follow-on feelings of deprivation about what I might have enjoyed eating last night instead of what I had.
Hmm. Maybe it was self-fulfilling prophecy. Maybe in having that thought this morning, I set the idea in train. Although I think other factors also played a part.
I just ate chocolate. Not loads and loads, but a significant amount. Why? Good question.
Linda Spangle has a section in
Life is Hard, Food is Easy about trying to work out why we eat something we later wish we hadn't. She says that to identify a chain of eating triggers, you need to start at the moment when you first ate or knew you desperately wanted to eat. Then, working backwards from that point, consider all of the stressful situations or people that were part of your day.
Each time you identify a trigger, ask, "... and what else?" to help you remember other things that might have affected you.
Okay, so here goes.
At the point of having chocolate, my son had just come home from school. He came into the house asking loudly who'd been eating chocolate, cos he spotted the wrapper to a caramel egg on the hallway carpet.
My OH pointed out that no one had, because I'd just been cleaning up and it had probably fallen there from the table in the hall when I'd tidied the pile of post on top of it. Which I think it probably did (and moreover, DS almost certainly was the person who'd dumped the wrapper on the table!)
Anyway - that put the thought of chocolate in my head. And it wouldn't go. As I said, I'd just been tidying up and I'd felt very virtuous about it, cos I'd cleaned the bathroom, the en suite, the downstairs loo and the kitchen sink and I'd put the Dyson around downstairs.
I hadn't planned to do that - I'd been going to watch the last couple of days' worth of
Neighbours on On Demand - but my OH had set up the DVD recorder to record a show while out - so that meant I couldn't use the Virgin box. So maybe I was a bit miffed that I hadn't got to just slob on the settee - but I don't think that was it. I think it was more that after all that hard work, I felt like I deserved a treat.
And what else?
Well, when OH came back in, the idea of us having a 'night off' the diet was floated. I was a bit taken aback, cos I've only just managed to get myself back on track after the last time, so I queried why, and got the answer that it was because I'd gone out for a meal the night before and had a treat (ha! Braised cabbage is a treat??) and OH felt deprived.
I pointed out the error in this argument and OH conceded that it probably hadn't been a treat but I'd still got to go out and OH hadn't. Anyway, that left me feeling a bit annoyed, I suppose.
So, I felt like I deserved a treat because I'd worked hard and I was a little bit annoyed with OH. And what else? Well, I've had the last couple of days off work, but hadn't got to do what I'd normally be able to do - which is 'treat myself'

with food. So I s'pose that was at the back of my mind and I was feeling deprived. And I've got the odd twinge in my lower belly that either means I'm constipated (well, I know I am) or about to start TOTM (which is also very likely) and I was craving chocolate like mad because it's one of those things that has the capability to 'fix' both things - but I felt like my hands were tied because I promised myself I was going to stick to SS today.
And what else? Well, naturally, I
didn't get to eat what I would really have liked to eat yesterday evening so I felt deprived - but bizarrely guilty at the same time, cos I did at least eat and maybe I shouldn't have because I'm supposed to be on SS (though my CDC did know I was going to have to eat and agreed it would be the best thing to do - she's known me a long time, bless her).
And what else? God, isn't that enough?

Nope, it isn't. It's Mother's Day on Sunday and I don't have a Mum anymore (she died in 2005 when she was 61 and I miss her desperately). So there was a tinge of sadness and self-pity going on in the background of all of that.
Anything else? Yep, one more, I think. Because I
did cope with yesterday evening really well, I felt like I deserved a 'reward' for that.
LOL. Interesting exercise.
And now, I'm supposed to look at each link in the chain, think about where I may have slipped up, and what else I could've done. I think I'd better start a new post for that.