Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

Huh, the irony...

Day 7 of 100 Days of Weight Loss

For the moment, squash your doubts about staying on your diet and exercise plan. Today, you are strong! You're invincible! And nothing can stop you! This time, you're going to do it!

Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Become your own cheerleader

To increase your success with this program, skyrocket your self-talk and create a strong belief you can do this. Become your own cheerleader, shouting out words of encouragement that will keep your motivation strong every single day.

To enhance your cheerleading, think about why you are so convinced you can be successful. Invent several phrases that reinforce your determination to stay on your plan for at least 100 days. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. I'm totally determined.

2. I've done it before and I can do it again.

3. I'm using a great weight-loss plan.

4. I'm capable of accomplishing anything.

5. Others have done it and so can I!

Recite these phrases every day, using them to reinforce your determination to make this program work...

...Practice saying the words "I can do it!" over and over. Write them on sticky notes, and then post them on your mirror, your computer screen, and your car dash. Read them many times a day, maybe even 100 times. Push them deep into your mind and use them as a powerful affirmation that you will succeed.

-Today's Tasks-

1.Tell yourself "I can do it" at least 10 times. Use this to cheerlead yourself through the entire day!

2.In your notebook, write "I can do it because..." then add a few supportive phrases such as "I'm capable of doing anything."

3.Read your phrases often, using them to reinforce your goals and build your enthusiasm.

Oh boy. This is going to be tough...
I can do it because... I'm going to stop drinking Coke Zero. :cry:

I can do it because... I want to do it. This is my choice.:rant2:

I can do it because... I've done things that seemed damned near impossible before and proved myself (and quite a few other people) wrong. :character00115:

I can do it because... if I don't give up, there's no way I can fail. :asskick:

Sends you massive hugs through the USB. Hang in there Lily, you *can* do it. You are such an inspiration to me. I have faith in you Mrs!!
Aw, thanks coralprincess and Felix, not my finest hour...

However, today is a new day.

Here's my line _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Here's me going under it: :wavey:

I am, of course, 14st 6lbs this morning, which was no more than I expected. I'd say no more than I 'deserved' but even though that's what I'm thinking, I'm trying not to. Linda says (and I'm sure I've seen other clever people write this too) that you should act like a loving friend to yourself and try to imagine what you'd say to a friend if they confided they'd troughed half a French stick, 5 large pieces of Toblerone, almost an entire tub of salt n' vinegar Pringles (oh yes :rolleyes:) and around a third of a tub of Mascarpone Carte D'Or ice cream...

Actually, I think I'd say, "You pig!" (in my head, at least. :D)

Of course, out loud, I'd say, "Never mind, it was just one day, you're only human, these things happen, draw a line under it..."

I've already drawn the line.

In trying to work out what the hell that was all about, I'm not sure I can come up with anything more deep and meaningful than I was craving the French stick - and the rest was an angry-at-my-lack-of-commitment eating frenzy. I didn't particularly enjoy what I ate (other than the French stick).

So (having consulted Linda some more), we have the following plan of action.

If I'm craving something, I have to wait at least ten minutes before I can have it. I have to tell either DH or DS that I'm craving it, at which point they will automatically ask me if I need a hug. :hug99: LOL. It might just work. Ten minutes is probably long enough to talk myself out of something, and the hug will be lovely.

Obviously, I'll keep you all updated with how it goes...
Hi Lily,

I had been wondering if you had a diary. There isn't a link in your signature, but then you do not have one of those ridiculously long signatures like the one I have created. But, I thought: Oh, I'll click on the "find more posts by" and see if there is one. And, I did that before -- but it wasn't there. It was today. So, I am read through your new diary this afternoon.

(Post #1) I started being accountable for my actions!

Yay! This is (and has always been) my problem. I HAVE to answer to someone else... I will excuse myself, ignore the issue, etc. I am the Queen of (de)Nile.

(Post #4)

I think I'm a hopeless case. I read my Advantage Response Cards twice today, read them aloud - and nothing. Just couldn't get excited about what I was reading. I was like, "So what?"

I've thought this, or more of a "Who cares? No one but me, and right now not even me."

Maybe they're just not personal enough to me? Maybe they're just too vague (I want to buy fashionable clothes, have more energy). Maybe they need to be more specific. "I want to wear this dress" (and put in a picture).

I really like this idea. I think you may be on to something here.

Or "I want more energy so that I can..."
Actually, I don't know what I want more energy for. I've never had much energy, even when I was slimmer. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I had it.

I'm sorry, but this kind of made me giggle - I am sure if you had more energy, you could find something you would enjoy to do with it.

For example: I like to scrapbook and love the finished product. I have years of pre-digital photographs that I need to do get out of boxes, envelopes, etc. and into albums. So, if I wasn't so knackered -- I might find some motivation and energy to do this. And, I know that I feel so better about myself when I have a concrete example of accomplishment.

So now what do I do? I don't want to give up, I know that much. And I think CBT could work for me - I just haven't quite figured out how, I s'pose.

Beck writes that CBT takes time and practice. And, I really think that CBT will help me stay at goal (this time), once I get back there.

(Post #5) I just don't seem to have fun with anything anymore. My life seems to revolve around work, stopping my OH and our nearly 15 year old son from bickering - and being on (or off) Cambridge.

Lily, it is the age. My DS is now 19 and when he was 17, I was doing LL. And, I remember telling my group that he and I were having "yet another go 'round" and I suddenly felt incredibly hungry. I told my group that I understood why some species eat their young. (They all laughed, but I was serious.)

Anyway, during that battle -- once I realised that I was feeling hunger and couldn't be physically hungry -- I stopped and told him how this "battle" was affecting me. And, I said, "You do not like having a fat mother. And, are worried that it will affect my health. So, why don't you help me and just think it don't say it." He improved a bit after that, and I learned to listen to what was happening to me during our battles and learned to cope with it.

We still have our issues from time to time, but he is much improved -- and I have learned to say, "Just stop. Stop now." And, he usually does.

(Post # 7) I think I need to redo my Beck cards and make them much more meaningful to me. At the moment, they're far too general, far too vague. I can read them without them 'touching' me, if that makes any sense. I can get more meaning out of reciting my five times table. But I think I was chickening out of making them more specific before. It seemed far too much like hard work - ha, because it is hard work, this dieting lark.

I've been typing my cards up in Word (as cards) and have been reading back through the book and trying to make them more specific and detailed. By doing this, I know that when I want to do so, I can alter them, add in, etc. The plan is too print them up, cut them apart, laminate them, punch a hole in one corner of each, and put them on a ring. Then they'll be a portable, specific study tool.

(Post # 7) Secondly, I've always had a bit of a hankering for a bright red strappy-shouldered dress - think Special K advert and you'll be close. :) I love red and I'd love to wear something that really shows off how much weight I've lost. It'd have to be a bit forgiving, cos I think my belly's always going to be on the flabby side, but something empire-line might work. I also might have to get it made too, cos I don't think I've seen anything like what I want in the shops. Daft idea?

Not daft at all -- it is good to have goals.
I love red, too and think the colour suits me. I have a short red "Christmas" party dress I plan to wear (and look good in) next year. I also have a long green formal -- that I will need to alter to fit well and look good -- that I intend to wear at a Christmas Ball next year.

Also, I suggest that you look into Spanx. They are fastastic and will "smooth" your bumps and imprefections and you dresses will hang so much better. Even slim "Holloywood" types swear by these undergarments.

This post is getting kind of long with the multi-quotes: so, hitting enter and starting another. I hope you do not mind.

Hi Lily,

I spent ages doing the quote/response to your thread -- then my computer decided to take a break and restarted. So, I will summarise what I written.

I think what you are posting about the 100 days book is interesting and useful (thanks).

I think the positive affirmations is a good approach and I will try to take it onboard.

My father is much the same as yours. My weight has always been a issue with him (and two of my three sisters' -- one sister has never had an issue, so he ignores her weight). I have always been either too thin or too fat. And, the too fat was from 1994 until 2008. When I saw in 2009, and had gone from a bmi of 33 to 23, for the first time ever I was "just right".

And, I am sure today is very difficult for you, as your mother has passed away, but try to focus on how blessed you were to have had her as your mum. There are mums and there are women who reproduce. Mine was the later.

I created a little Credit Award for you -- and I have tried to recreate it. You've done well, and I am certain that you will continue to do so.

Sigh. Best not to read this if you're feeling sensitive about food references.

This is going to be a hard post to write, especially after MinnieMel was lovely enough to give me some credit yesterday.

But if I don't document this stuff here, I'm probably in danger of doing one of my vanishing acts from the forum for a while.

I made it until about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. I read lots of the self-help stuff, answered posts, tried to be encouraging to other people who were struggling. But the truth was, I was struggling myself and the diversion tactics didn't work. There's no getting away from the fact that it was Mother's Day and I felt deprived (yes, I know that in giving in to that, I'm depriving myself of getting slim...) Add that to the fact that my OH was miserable writing a presentation for Tuesday and getting more and more stressed about it. And at five o'clock, I gave up and said, "Hey, let's order a Chinese for tea."

Huge smiles all round. OH and DS both beaming. I'm beaming cos they're beaming. I guess that means we're all screwed up when it comes to food...

So today I was 14st 9lbs. It's like Groundhog Day around here.

I had a horrible day at work - not because anything bad happened but because in daring to take 3 days leave I came back to 105 emails needing action. I don't actually feel clever enough to do the job I'm doing. I'm qualified, but I'm inexperienced and it's pretty hard work having to ask what to do all the time when many people assume you know all the steps in a process and leave out the ones that they think are obvious (cos I'm sure they are obvious if you know what you're doing).

I just wish there was someone I could ask for help with it all. I'm in the rather daft position of not being able to confess that I'm drowning...

So anyway, my stress levels have been steadily climbing all day and the only reason I didn't call into Waitrose on the way home to buy a tub of Häagen-Dazs and some Caramel Nibbles was because I called my OH and found that OH was cooking Sweet n' Sour Chicken. So I ate that instead and washed it down with Galaxy. I might've been better off buying the Häagen-Dazs, actually.

Like I said in a post the other day, I know so much about dieting. I know so much about Cambridge. I only wish I knew how to commit to losing weight.

On the plus side (ha, which is exactly where I'll stay if I don't snap out of this soon - on the plus side), I did go for a 3 mile walk with my friend Laura at lunchtime.
How about I don't draw a line this time?

Maybe I could just try a full stop. Or hey, a STOP sign...

Wanders off to Google suitable pictures...

How about...



Or... ooh.

Awwww, Lily.

You can draw a line under it and move on -- now, that you have acknowledged the situation.

How could you have handled it differently? Could you have ordered a chinese that was more CD810/1000 friendly. I think the chicken and vegetable dishes are not too bad. Then, made your own brown (yuck) or Basmati (yum) rice that is a better GI choice? Avoided the fried stuff, sweet and sour, and still ate but using portion control.

A nice dinner need not be a diet killer. But, then you know that.

The Galaxy -- why was it in the house?

I try very hard to NOT have what I like in the house. Yes, there are sweets in my home (i.e. holiday candy, cookies, ice ceam, etc.). BUT, none of my favourites... and when I am tempted I tell myself, "If the next time you are in a shop and they have such and such and you still really want it -- then have it. But, don't settle for less than what you really want." And, so far -- when I am in a shop I felt like being virtuous, and did not "want" whatever. Then, I am back home and want it - but guess what I don't have any!

Btw, I have a bag of cookie dough balls in the freezer. DD wanted chocolate chip cookies for dessert. I baked 4 cookies! Two for her, two for her brother. The rest of dough in the freezer for next time. Why bake two dozen cookies, when you only need four?


To quote Scarlett, "Tomorrow is another day." You'll get this -- sometimes you need to ease into things.

It's in the house because OH has an enormous chocolate stash. I have attempted to request that this is at least minimised and hidden away, but when I'm low and beg to have some, OH always buckles in seconds - even after being coached to refuse me.

Bizarrely, I can go for months without eating the stuff - but not at the moment, it seems.

And yes, you're right, I could've made the Chinese more diet-friendly. But I didn't want to. I'd gone beyond the point where I could've been sensible and instead launched into self-destruct.
Can OH store the chocolate in the boot of his car? That is where my OH's cookies are kept! ;)

There is no way my OH would cave... the b%sta%rd!

That sounds a perfectly reasonable request, doesn't it? But I'm not sure that would slow me down if I was on a mission to eat the stuff. In fact, it might be even easier - I wouldn't have to go hunting in all the hiding places - I'd know exactly where to look, LOL.
Oh, I forgot to mention that he has it parked in a locked garage and I do not have a key. hee hee (Just kidding)
LOL @ the locked garage.

OH says that chocolate can't go in the car because summer's coming and it would melt. :rolleyes:
How about I don't draw a line this time?

Maybe I could just try a full stop. Or hey, a STOP sign...

Wanders off to Google suitable pictures...

How about...



PMSL -- I am going to print this one up, laminate it and post it on my fridge and food cupboards! LOL (MM)

Or... ooh.


I missed this post -- LOL -- these are so good. And if your OH really loved you, he put climate control in the garage. Men do that when they really love their cars.

Morning Lily,

I hope you have a good, safe, and chocolate free day.

My DD's LSA (learning support aide) gave up chocolate for Lent (and she is not Catholic) about five years ago -- and she has not had one morsel since. She said that after six weeks without it, and a couple of unintended pounds dropped -- she realised that her chocolate habit (which she had under control:she does not have a weight problem) was simply not worth it. She could easily do without it, and she has!

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Hey Lily, sending you another big hug. Sometimes you just need to eat the stress away when it gets to breaking point like that. You draw that line & get back on it today. I know you can do it & I'm here cheering you on at the sidelines!! x
I understand your stresses. It's hard to admit struggling yet I bet everyone does even if they don't admit it!

Dads- my parents are the same. Constantly complaining at the state of the country. Imigration etc.

Mothers day - I have my mum and sorted both hubby and my mum out with stuff but was 'forgotten' myself, yet in new light thanks to some wise words it's not the end of my world. Celebrate the living and the dead as they are/were you mums.

Food - a hard battle to win bit never give up your fight. Find that motivation and go with it :D

Downloaded the app! Just need to download an app that stops time so I can catch up with everything I need to do and have me time :D

Love the 'it's not in there' affirmation. I am constantly opening the fridge or cupboard looking in there then shutting it again!