Lily's Lyrical Lollop. Destination: Land's End...

And the weight loss WAS........???

LOL - loss? Yeah right. :rolleyes:

It was a STS - far better than I deserved, but I'm not knocking it.

Time to get my ass in gear, methinks - or none of my summer clothes are going to fit! :asskick:
Can't be harsh or kick butt Lily as I'm rubbish at that :sigh:

Baileys!!!! saw it on offer in Sainsbury's today!!! lol :D that's not helpful I know :D

You stayed the same that's not terrible! I know it's disappointing though :sigh: all we can do is dig deep and push on, like I said this CD malarky is tough.

But you are hanging on in there and that is a credit!! ;)
Wise words written there Sarah we do need to hang in there I so argee!!

I need to tell that to myself this evening lol sts is good Lily.

Let's take this slowly.. Shall we together.!
Okay here it is Lily...

Lily had a bad moment... :devilangel:She really struggled, but she:giveup:and:17729: . She needed to be punished, so I gave her a virtual :whoopass: , but now what she needs is to do is :sigh: and accept her:grouphugg:.

It is okay, you know... you owned it and have moved on. Credit!

well done for sts lily you will get a loss next week you can do it! :):)x
Hi Lily,

Lots of lilies here -- the flowers are almost tropical. It is very sunny and looks to be a scorcher today, so we're going to pass on the parade in person and watch it on tele in the air conditioning.

I hope you have a good week.

I'm still here. Having stern words with myself... :copon:

I've decided that part of my problem is that I'm not drinking enough. No, I don't mean Baileys...

The first time I did Cambridge, I drank 4 litres of water as well as cups of black tea and coffee. These days I like to convince myself that just because I'm drinking lots of cups of tea I must be drinking enough. :rolleyes:

So... I haz bin to Asda, and I haz bort bottles of water!

Guzzle, guzzle... :waterbottle: :waterbottle: :waterbottle: :waterbottle:

Might help with the :sign0131: problems too...
LOL, I wondered - you were sounding pretty stern yourself with that 'really'.

It made you sound like my CDC... "Are you really going to try hard this week, Lily?"

:D :D :D
How about I whisper it, just in case? :)

I'm doing okay so far. One tetra down, 750ml bottle of water at my side...
Oh Lily, I had to say, I absolutely love this diary...I'm of a similar weight/height bracket so I am reading avidly!

Have to dash now, but look forward to reading more of your adventures!
Okay, an update, you say? :)

Well, first the good news. So far today I've had a banana tetra, a mint choc bar, 1.5 litres of water and five cups of tea.

The not so good news...

I might just have accidentally eaten a bit of chocolate (yeah, it just sprouted wings and flew into my mouth... :rolleyes:). The weirder news... I didn't actually enjoy it at all. I just wanted something because my throat felt funny. So I stopped pretty quickly - credit to me, right? :confused: Maybe 250 calories of damage, which given I'm not yet back in ketosis isn't the very end of the world.

My OH is useless at saying :nono: to me. Trouble is, OH is also trying to lose weight - and keeps wanting to 'party' with food. :sigh:

Still, more good news - I'm writing again. Added maybe 400 words to my latest epic (so it's now a staggering 1200 words long ;) Only another 90,000 words to go). Although anyone know what a gin and tonic with an olive in it is called? Is it a dirty gin and tonic - or am I just thinking dirty martini? Might have to re-jig that bit.

At least if I'm writing, I'm not eating. But it does mean I have a tendency to become extremely unsociable, LOL.
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