Depends where the poo's got to...
Gross post alert!!
If it's actually on its way out but 'stuck' - glycerin suppositories and if really desperate, don rubber gloves and go gently...
How did the mathematician deal with his constipation? He worked it out with a pencil... Boom boom
If it hasn't got down to Ground Zero, I use Dulcolax. Causes some pretty violent tummy spasms sometimes, but it works. Senna also does the same job, less violently.
Movicol is supposed to be brilliant for keeping things moving but I haven't tried that.
I have rediscovered the power of water these last couple of days. That tends to get things moving too, strangely enough. If you down a litre of water over the course of half an hour (no, that's not dangerous, before anyone wonders - it'd only be dangerous if you then downed the next litre in the next half hour), it often has the interesting effect of moving things on rather sharpish. Works best first thing in the morning for some reason.
LOL, the things I write about.
Want to see mine and Robert Downey Junior's secret love child then?
Pity about the poor kid's tash...
I had a beeeuutiful little girl with Bruce Willis... :8855:
Cute, eh?