Lindsey's I quit sugar diary

Congrats for your loss Lindsey :D

And well done for the long walk yesterday, as well as the gym today;)

Have a nice weekend x

Thanks Aline, I thought you would approve of some long over due exercise!!!

How are you doing? Any fun weekend plans? x
Well done :)

Body Jam sounds fun. Wish I could go to classes but none near me really. Oh well, I have my bike!!

Get on your bike!!! lol!!!
Well I've consumed around 1500 cals today. Bacon sarnie for breakfast. Fish fingers, jacket potato and beans for lunch. Chicken fajita mix and lettuce with one tortilla for dinner... Can't believe I was feeling hungry so early, but nevermind, hopefully I last the evening without hunger coming back again!!! x
Hello 14 stone 13lbs... finally!!! You took your sweet mother trucking time!!!


You need to do the weigh-in dance of victory! Well done :D
Thanks Aline, I thought you would approve of some long over due exercise!!!

How are you doing? Any fun weekend plans? x

I'll go out later today for a movie or coffe talk with a friend.
Right now I'm in a relax mood but in a few minutes I'll make a 30 min. home workout;)

Tomorrow I have to write a bit for an essay, but I'm sure I'll find some time to spend with friends too :p

Well I've consumed around 1500 cals today. Bacon sarnie for breakfast. Fish fingers, jacket potato and beans for lunch. Chicken fajita mix and lettuce with one tortilla for dinner... Can't believe I was feeling hungry so early, but nevermind, hopefully I last the evening without hunger coming back again!!! x

1500 cals sounds good:)

Hope you're having a nice evening;)

I suck... devoured 2 tortillas and a shape delight... cals now 1900... whoops... def going to do exercise class tomorrow!!!
Don't worry Lindsey, you'll burn every extra calorie tomorrow for sure;)
and two slices of jam on toast... can someone lock me out of the kitchen please!!!!
I'm awake, currently drinking a protein shake, I will then be getting ready to head to the gym... not done this class before, wish me luck!!! x
Body Jam was awesome... sweating like pig!!!
Good for you. I've just finished reading the paper and drinking tea ;)

Am envious actually - body jam and zumba do sound like they'd work and be quite fun at the same time.
I drink a shake before a work out if it's first thing in the morning, I don't like to feel my breakfast sloshing around in my tummy, so shake is better for that. If I've had a low protein day then I will drink one after my evening workouts.

Body jam was so much fun, it was basically a dance class, in fact I wish I'd worn my jazz shoes as I couldn't get enough slide with trainers on. We started with a little routine to warm up, then a little 40's/50's style routine, then 30 mins on a hiphop routine. So much fun, can't wait till I'm thinner and can dance like I used to, might actually be able to keep up then!!!
Just Dance 2 gets me sweating every time, much harder than the first one!!! Keep forgetting to buy batteries for my controller though... must remember batteries!!!
well done for going to the gym;) Sundays are rest and naughty days for me:p

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back on track:)

Well I've consumed 2300 cals today... had a gorgeous burger and chips in the pub... but my fitness pal says that this is ok because I earnt 800 cals through my class this morning and the long walk to and from the pub, which I did at a high pace... I hope my fitness pal isn't wrong or there is going to be some massive weight gain this week!!!

I've just emailed my tutor and asked for an essay extension. Never ever done this before, but due to the recent inspection I've had no study days since beginning of Feb. Plus I have a report to write for a kid in court on Wed and that needs to be my priority. Can everyone keep their fingers crossed that my tutor agrees I deserve an extra week on this one... come on cross them tight!!!

How has everyone else's weekend been? x
Today I also eat close to 2000 calories (5oo over my usual) but it's not ok because I didn't went to the gym and I didn't go for any walk:p

Hope your tutor will give you that extra week;)

No exercise today, got a sore arm from yesterday, so decided to give it a rest.

Consumed 1200 cals today, not good cals though, had two cookies for lunch!!!

It's because I've been face down in my PSR today, good news is I got it finished... bad news is I never had confirmation from my tutor to say that I can have an extension!!! So I'm going to bed now and getting up at 5am to write as much as I can before work, it says on the OU website that the deadline is noon but that they accept submissions until midnight. I figure it's better to submit something rubbish rather than nothing at all, it will bring down my score but I don't care as long as I pass!!!

Wish me luck! xxx