Lindsey's I quit sugar diary

mmmmmmmmmm bacon... oh and plenty of holy water, had 4 glasses with breakfast... need to peeeeeeeeeeee!!!
OH is working so home alone... I'm really tempted to buy a bike and go explore the countryside, lol!!! Must resist, have no money!!!

I think I'll either hit the gym or go for a walk, then might try and catch a tan in the garden... although I don't have any bikini's that fit, so I'll be in my underwear, lol!!! Thankfully we're not over looked!!!

You got any weekend plans? x
I've decided on the walk, going to hop in the tub cover myself in suntan lotion, find some summer clothes that fit (possibly going to be very difficult) and get outside in the sunshine! x
well ment to do zumba soon then hairdressers this afternoon.!

then pop into town to look for a funky hair clip for my hair u know a big sort of flower..?? lol

got a wedding monday.. want something pretty in my hair, then tomorrow im meeting my new baby cousin Lela.. cant wait for baby cuddles..
aww i think a nice walk Linds.. and get some magazines in and read in the garden x
Awwwwww baby cuddles are the best... congrats on the new arrival in your family!!!

They had loads of lovely flowers in Accessorise last time I popped in for a nose, not cheap, but well made and nice colours.

I've found my flipflops and cut off linen trousers... flipflops fit... trousers need a belt and look like clown pants, but at least I'll be cool, lol!!!

Have a lovely day x
It's all gone wrong... I'm embarrassingly pissed at 5:30pm after spending all afternoon in a beer garden and I've just sent OH for a chinese... I'm going to enjoy every mouthful!!! x
mmmmmmmmmmm net cals of 2000 today... going to have a drunken sleep now. x
don't you tut me... I'll throw up on you!!!
Pleased I'm not the only one....! Hope u had a good day. 2moro is another day :)
I said they were pricey... but they are beautiful!!! lol!!!

I'm off to bodyjam in a min... see I'm not all about the naughtiness!!! x
I'm going to change gyms at the end of the month i really want to gym it on a sunday.. My gym is closed on Sundays..

Nice day again..
Another lovely day, bodyjam first, then shower, then I think OH should take me for a walk somewhere pretty!!!

You got any plans today lady? x
Aww nice I want an OH.. So he can take me out on walks.. Do some running too linds LOL

I'm going to my dads this afternoon.. Boring really lol but will go with the follow. Then back home to pack my bag for my mates wedding tomorrow staying in the hotel.

U been on scales ? I've dropped another 0.5 so my hoilday gain has gone wish I bloody ate more now lol
Very much staying away from the scales today... shed loads of wine and a chinese are not going to reflect well today!!! I'll hop on tomorrow morning and see just how good I have to be for next weekends weigh in!!!

Damn woman, you totally should have eaten more!!! Have a lovely time at the wedding, I hope the weather stays like this for you... right off to my class, I'm gonna shake my booty!!! x
Wahoo... bodyjam done!!! Feeling a wee bit sick now, but that might be because I've burnt more calories than I've ate so far today... little snack before lunch me thinks!!!

... than again it might be all the wine consumed yesterday...

Burnt nearly 900 cals today... legs and arse muscles are blooming killing me!!!

Ruined it slightly by having pizza hut for lunch... but that's what exercise calories are for!!! lol!!! x
Net cals of just under 1200 today, wahoo!!! I love myfitnesspal, I can exercise loads have a pizza and it still says that if every day were like this one in five weeks time I could be 10lbs lighter... yeah right!!!

Has everyone else had a good day? Sunshine for everyone I hope! x