I'm going to have pizza too!!! I think we have a bit of a pizza addiction... and I LOVE IT!!! x
So parked at work and walked a few miles to the fish shop and back, took two hours, so I've got some calories and I do believe that a dominos pizza could be on the cards later, wahoo!!!
Now back in bed and trying to chose a film to watch... don't want it to be too exciting as I'm tempted to have a little doze rather than follow the storyline, lol!!!
I'm watching some size 16 work trousers on ebay. I already have some size 16's that I bought in the Jan sales, but they are too tight round my legs (I can get them on and done up, but they are a bit obscene for court and for working with children, lol!). So I've got my sights on some wide leg trousers in the hope that they will be less obscene in the thigh area and not look as ridiculous as my current size 18 clown trousers!!! x
The strange time will soon come when you'll put on your old work trousers and not only will they now fit you, but they'll be too big for you!
I had a bandage style skirt from when I was bigger. It was one of those skirts that was really nice but was that teeny bit too small for you so you just had to make sure that you keep your posture about you and conveniently hide behind a plant pot when the camera was about. I found this skirt a few weeks ago and putting it on was like stepping in a tunnel - so strange since it was always the little bit too small for me! Just think, when you reach goal you'll be strutting into your work in a pair of hotpants