it was abit of a shock to see i nearly lost a stone as for trade secrets i have a shake on a morning and try n get through 1.5ltr bottle and have lots of "clipper" green tea with peppermint ive had the chicken soups and they are hard to get through there just wrong! i sometimes mix chocolate with black coffe and add a sweetner just for abit of variety and my wife who's also doing lipotrim told me about another good mixture we tryed last night boil the kettle and put a tea bag of peppermint tea ina jug add a sweeter place in the fridge till cold then instead of using water to mix your choc shake use this mixture and it turns out abit like mint choc chip which is a good thing to have in your bag if your gettin tempted by food or want a different taste for your shake and i also walk my dog alot do at least an hours exercise 2-3 times a week and sit up lots of them
i dont know wether any of this will help but i just find myself trying to keep busy as it helps me not think about food and planning ahead alot like what im going to achieve keeping records and working out food plans for when ive reached my goal im not gonna go off the rails and put it back on and last but not least apologies for rambling are not accepted unless your take my apology for rambling on