Sure have, i've started refeed this morning have to do it for 2 weeks due to the amount of weight i've lost. Its then off to weight watchers to learn portion control
Sure have, i've started refeed this morning have to do it for 2 weeks due to the amount of weight i've lost. Its then off to weight watchers to learn portion control
You are fantastic!! You looked soo old with all that weight. A lot of weight makes us look years older. Now you are a lovely fit young man.
Good luck with refeed. Take it nice and easy and enjoy the taste and texture of food. I know I really relished everything after 26 weeks of TFR.
Keep up the water intake. It is one habit I have kept up and I really notice the snacking once I slack on the water.
Well done and be very proud of your achievement.
Wow, wow, WOW! Huge well done Chuck I haven't been on the site in ages, and you are one of the first profiles I've come back to check on. I had no doubt you would get there, and I am so pleased for you. You look fab! I bet you feel a million dollars Heaps of luck with re-feed xx