Those kebabs look lush!!! Well done on the maintain...that's really good if you've had a bit of an up and down week. I'm definitely going to put on at least 3lb this week...Christmas do last week and a weekend of drinking, followed by buffet lunches in the science department the last couple of days, cake and general naughty stuff = a very bad week, haha! Oh well, never mind, It's not like this celebrations are going to last forever, lol. Back on plan with a vengeance after Christmas.
Just wanted to check in and say hi...may be offline for the next couple of days as I'm probably heading home to my mum and dad's either tomorrow or saturday morning, and then it's my niece's birthday on Saturday so will have to take her card to her. Oh, and supposedly the world's going to end, so even more reason to check in and say hi!

Hope you have a relaxing few days in the run up to Christmas! xxx