Lisa's Maintenance Shizzle

How are you doing huni?x
Ok pet yeah, 10 days til I go Christmas do dress shopping so keeping on track for that :) x x
Glad your doing ok hun x
Hun do you find ovulation kits any use? xx
Yeah I just use the Internet cheapies about £6 for 50. I've used them for two months now, turned out I ov later than I thought so have def helped x x
Will keep using them so!! I got the clear blue digital ones, easy enough to use aswell :)
Where are you Lis?!x
Hi hun,

Still alive, being as good as I can, still using bars but not got back into exercise yet!

Bought my dress for Xmas party, size 12! Pic to follow on 10th dec.

Hope u are settling well in new job and everyone else here is ok too :) x x
Size 12!! Well done babe, you're doing great! Cant wait to see the pics! Whats it like? x
Yeah fab on the size 12! Glad your doing so well x
Thanks all.

AF visited today so 1 year since we started trying and no luck.

Just going to concentrate on Christmas now and I've quite a busy month with parties and visiting family.

I've decided I'm not eating chocolate in December except for a treat on Christmas day. Chocolate is my downfall as if it's there I HAVE to eat it! I can't help myself!

Also when Ashley gets his advent calendar chocolate every day I'll be doing my exercise, he's got three calendars so his daddy will have to help him out!

Going to try and be on here more this month too :) x x
Sorry to hear about AF hun :( You seem to be very positive though xx

Good idea about the chocolate, I've decided to do the same but with takeaways! I'm so lazy they are the easy option but I dont need them and they certainly wont do me or my ass any favors!!
Ha ha exactly! Need to be skinny for my Christmas party x x
Lisa, looks like you are in control and already making plans to limit the damage over Christmas. You seem to be positive about your disappointing news too. Maybe Santa may deliver a surprise!!
Day 3 of no chocolate and all is well. I did eat a choc chip biccie yesterday without thinking but not going to count that as chocolate!

Having a little Christmas party tonight n can't wait to chill with OH and some friends. I've moved Ashley's toys into his bedroom so the kids can play out of the way! Glad I live in a bungalow so no stairs to worry about :)

Christmas arrived in the house yesterday too. Ashley tried putting one of the stockings on, was very funny to watch!

Pic of Ashley looking really happy that it's Christmas!


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Choc chip biccie is still chocolate missy! :p

Tree looks lush. Can't wait for ours to go up :)
Love the tree - I'm behind this year, gonna try to get it up tomorrow. I haven't done my cards either which I usually have by now! Must kick myself up the whatsits & get on with it!!! x