Silver Member
Morning ladies, where to start, it's not a happy post.
Firstly I lost 2lbs last week so 7lb off in the month of January
The sad part, unfortunately yesterday I sadly had a miscarriage at 5 weeks preg, I'm ok but obv a bit sad as it took 14 months to get the little bean to start with!
I do know things happen for a reason and as if to make sure I knew that I got the call from Clearblue yesterday tea time confirming everything for the study, they said I can still take part and I'll be getting the digital ovulation sticks that Emma used when she conceived so that's a positive for me.
Anyway I'll be back soon, take care everyone x x
Firstly I lost 2lbs last week so 7lb off in the month of January
The sad part, unfortunately yesterday I sadly had a miscarriage at 5 weeks preg, I'm ok but obv a bit sad as it took 14 months to get the little bean to start with!
I do know things happen for a reason and as if to make sure I knew that I got the call from Clearblue yesterday tea time confirming everything for the study, they said I can still take part and I'll be getting the digital ovulation sticks that Emma used when she conceived so that's a positive for me.
Anyway I'll be back soon, take care everyone x x