Lisa's Maintenance Shizzle

Hi Lisa! Just found your diary and read through it (hubby is watching rugby, snore!) So sorry for what you've been through and fingers crossed you get some good news soon. I've been on Lipotrim TFR for nearly 5 weeks now and am hoping to start my refeed on Tuesday, and then rejoin my local WW the following Tuesday. Will be watching your diary with interest! X

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squishymcfatterson said:
Hi Lisa! Just found your diary and read through it (hubby is watching rugby, snore!) So sorry for what you've been through and fingers crossed you get some good news soon. I've been on Lipotrim TFR for nearly 5 weeks now and am hoping to start my refeed on Tuesday, and then rejoin my local WW the following Tuesday. Will be watching your diary with interest! X

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Thanks lovely, I'm back to my pre bad times weight so really happy now!

Just need to keep up with the exercise as I know from my experience that's what keeps my weight off. Enjoying the swimming once a week and hopefully I'll enjoy the biking to WW. Just need to buy the new Just Dance so I can get on the wii a bit inbetween too lol!

Lots of luck to you x x
Just wanted to update, started JUDDD last Tuesday and have been doing really well on it.

Off to Blackpool for 4 nights today and had a cheeky weigh to help keep me on track and have lost 6lb after 5 days :)

I didn't take my measurements but I can tell I've lost inches as clothes feeling less snug!
Well done Lisa ... brilliant!! Would you say the book was worth the money?? Enjoy Blackpool!! x
Thank you.

I haven't finished the book so can't really say if its worth it as such but I'm getting along fine without it!

Main points are two weeks you must stick to alternate days then u can change to suit and its 500 cals one day the next day anything u want to eat. It's the swing from high to low that loses u weight x x
Yep I understand that Lis thanks :) I've just read that the book is all about the science and not enough about the day to day stuff and wondered what you thought. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! x
JanD said:
Yep I understand that Lis thanks :) I've just read that the book is all about the science and not enough about the day to day stuff and wondered what you thought. Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! x

Yeah I'm about half way through it and it is a bit boring goin on about experiments and stuff which is great if u want to know all that but I'm a what can I and can't I do kinda girl!

There are some recipes in it but not enough to spend the £9 on!
Hi everyone, still here, still losing slowly 1lb a week these last 3 weeks, as long as it keeps going down then I'm happy.

Won't be going mad this Christmas as only just got last Christmases weight off lol!x x
Lost 2.5lb with two weeks on juddd and just lost 1lb doing WW. Trying juddd again from today n see what that does for me :) x
Me too :) thought I'd give it a go - I've got about 11lb I'd like to see off, though I'm now only 4lb over my original target. I don't mind 1lb a week, it soon mounts up :) x
JanD said:
Me too :) thought I'd give it a go - I've got about 11lb I'd like to see off, though I'm now only 4lb over my original target. I don't mind 1lb a week, it soon mounts up :) x

Brill, I'm doing a double DD today/tomorrow cos I want sat as an UD but don't want to do a double up when I'm trying to lose lol! I'm 7.5lb off my first target of 11st then want to lose another 7lb to get to 10.7 x
Great, good luck with it :) x
Another 1lb loss this week.

Think I can deal with 1 a week while eating what I want every other day. Saying that tho I can't seem to eat as much as I used too as feel full really quickly, can only be a good thing tho :) x
Well done chick. 1lbs is a fab loss every week - thats 8 sausages ;)
Half on this week, missed last week so very pleased with that. Got my Xmas party outfit sorted a size 12 dress so really happy with that too :) x

Check out my party shoes! Don't know if you've heard of blingback's but ordered some of them to jazz up the shoes x


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Oooh never heard of bling backs! But I'm liking em!! Well done on the size 12 bet u look fab x