ProPoints Lisa's second time round, first time diary :)

My yummy 1pp lunch :D


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Fridays Diary

Woke up quite late today so doing quite well points wise (only on 4 so far!) So this is the plan for the day. I'll update as the day goes on :)

Lunch 1pp
Red vegetable soup 0pp
Crackerbread (3) 2pp

Dinner 20pp
Chilli tomato chicken 8pp
Ww wine (full bottle) 12pp

Snacks 12pp
Ww wrap 3pp
Crackerbread (5) 2pp
Goats cheese 3pp
Relish 1pp
2 meringues 3pp

Activity 1pp
20mins ballet 1pp

Daily 33/28
Weekly 23/49
Activity 0/10
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Ughhh I've a real dilemma now...but a good one! Two people came to view the room, both want it and don't know who to choose.

Here's my deal: I'm 26 next Fri, like my own space, like friendly people, like clean people.

Person 1: female 26, clean and very chatty, works 9-5 nearby, likes to have friends over.

Person 2: male 28, works 3 day shifts and goes to college in the evenings, friendly but a bit quieter, clean and does not cook (big bonus coz I'm possessive over my kitchen)

I'm leaning towards the guy. What do ya think? Any advice?

...Sorry I know not really relevant to ww but stressing me out!
Have you ever lived with anyone before?

I like my own space and my own company too much so I might opt for options 2 however... I wonder if you might have more of a friendship and with option 1?

I'm not much help am I?!!! x
Hey hon. My God I think youre my double! :)
So I wud be leaning towards person 2 aswel.

Unless you're in a place where ud like to meet new people in which case person 1 and her friends mite be good...

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And also.... Is he good looking? ;-) Remember your 29 year old single minimin friend!! ;-) ;-)

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Yep, I would go for number 2 as well! I also like friendly people but like my own space, and I hate people just 'turning up' without pre-arranging it, so number one would make me a bit twitchy. Defo number 2 in my book. I'd say can you sleep on it before you make a decision?
He was grand. Definitely not going to fall head in heels for him or anything. Yeah defo could see myself being friends with her but I have found over the years being friends with someone you live with can be very stressful. I have plenty of friends and a great social life so more looking for someone nice who will be easy to chat with in the sitting room but will not want to ask me out for pints :)

Yes, have lived with loads of people over the years...driving me mad at this stage. In process of house hunting....full mortgage approval etc etc ...just waiting on the right place and can't wait!!!
Yep, I would go for number 2 as well! I also like friendly people but like my own space, and I hate people just 'turning up' without pre-arranging it, so number one would make me a bit twitchy. Defo number 2 in my book. I'd say can you sleep on it before you make a decision?

Yeah defo need to sleep on it. Told them I'd let them know on Sunday so plenty of time to make a decision :)
teacheronww said:
Thinking I might get a Chinese take away tomorrow. Does anyone have any clue how much crispy shredded chicken in Kung po sauce with half of the tub of boiled rice would be?? I have about 20-25 points to spare.

No idea about points x but it sounds lovely x
i looked on the ww community board some someone put Kung Po chicken is 9pp but thats for a resturant portion so u wud maybe double it for a take away.. boiled rice is 12pp