Gold Member
How have you got on today did you manage to stick to plan 
Yay well done looks like the bike ride paid off again lol . Did you have what you wanted from KFC or stuck to plan as if stuck to plan this isn't that bad only pizza so may explain it.
Wraps are 16.5 for fries are 10.5 KFC isn't to bad one of the better choices .
6th February 2017
Spicy Cous Cous, tomato, cucumber, onion, radish & beetroot
Cheese & Onion Quiche, sweet potato fries and peas
Day 25 - 100 Squats (50 & 50)
Good morning all,
Yesterday food-wise everything went well and I managed to drink my 4 bottles of water while at work.
I am really pushing myself now as I am going on holiday on Saturday, so will get on the scales Saturday morning instead on Monday next week. I really want to see a bit more of my belly gone and hopefully another 1lb or so. I have upped my tummy crunches now so I am doing about 40 a day instead of 20, plus I'm still doing the Plank every day. I am managing about 20 seconds at a time now, which a massive improvement on the 5 seconds a couple of weeks ago!
I am hoping to continue doing the crunches and plank while I am holiday as the food and drink won't be good so exercise will be my best friend, lol!
Hope you're all having a good day so far.
That is for mini flamming wrap crazy isn't it. Your like me need to loads this week as next is going to be a baaaad week next week . Where you off on hol some where warm.
P.s ur doing fab with your excersise
Oh nice bet you can't wait. All inclusive is the best but also the worse thing ever haha. Last time I lost 3stone was for a all inclusive holiday let's just say I ate everything. I started of quite well not putting that much on my plate . By the end of the week I was having fresh bread at every meal time haha and cocktails used to start at like 10am by the pool bar.
Least you got the pool to jump into once u have eaten the whole restaurant . Hahaha
Hmm it's hard isn't it because what you gain you should loose within 2 weeks if it's like 7lb. I think I put about 10 on haha I'm not an average person tho I'm a pig lol
You know what tho holidays are there to enjoy time away from work to enjoy yourself. I wouldn't worry just hve a lovely time like I say be off within a few week may even be 1 week .