Yay well done hun so pleased for you. 8lb in three weeks I love it . I’m still lay in bed haha so tired today. Iv not had the super urge to run to the scales lol. Soon as I do my day starts as Olivia will be there sayin is it mornin and be full of energy .
I have to agree with you I know I keep sayin it but I love it. I love the fact can go pub and
have a burger if wanted and still loose weight. I think slimming World you still need eat loads and all then free foods still contain cals like 100 for Apple haha but hey eat as much as u like lol. Seriously ?
I remember one week at group I stayed the same, they said eat more your prob not eatin enough , following week I gained haha but also lost 10 pound spent on group fees and loads extra on the food shop buyin certain slimming world friendly products .
Different diets work well for diff people this diet was made for me it’s fab