Beautiful day again. I am having a bit of a crazy half hour, I keep getting the urge to dance???!!! Patio doors open music on, neighbours probably complaining at my singing. Really don't know whats got into me but i kinda like it..
I was awake cos hubby on early turn, he gets up at 3.30am. Im a crap sleeper so however quiet he is I hear him, it just depends if I can turn over but like today I was wide awake!
Good luck on the exercise front, Im going to try my little one without stabilizers this weekend, would be great if I can do it b4 centre parcs. She has ear and adanoid probs so I have been warned that it could take time for her to balance correctly, but worth a go.
Im a bit like you on the food department I just havent a clue what to cook today. Im not quite stocked up , need to do an online shop as all this popping to the shops costs me so much more, good thing is I cant carry much when Im walking.
Anyway have a lovely day and hope you get to wind down for the weekend soon.