Good morning all,
Wow I am so tired! I nodded off at about 7 and then woke up at 10 and couldn't get back to sleep until about 3am, I think todays going to be a long one!
Any I climbed on the scales this morning and I'm back up to 12.1 which is a 9lb gain. I don't suppose that's too bad given the gorgeous food I've been eating for the last 2 and half weeks. Hopefully it will come off as quickly as it went on! I've got no food in the cupboards so hubby is nipping shopping on his lunch break today so I will be back on the diet wagon from tomorrow. I'm going to get straight on a 48 hour detox
I've only got 3 weigh ins until I go to France and I really want to lose the 9lbs and maybe a bit more by then so I can see lots of challenges coming on, including a 25 day Squat challenge which I will start today. Plus I need to make myself some new targets so will have a think about those as well.
I felt really good on holiday especially when I brought 5 new dresses, woops! They all fit me perfectly and looked great so hubby convinced me to buy them. 4 are nice going out dresses and as I have 2 weddings to go to this summer they will be perfectI was really disappointed though as 2 of the dresses that I had managed to get back into before I went away needed washing so I washed and packed them and then when I came to wear them I had shrunk them in the wash, I'm gutted but hopefully in another stones time they will fit me again!
Anyway I hope you all have a great day and good luck to Monday weighers.xx
Morning hun. Can't believe your on the wagon already. Your very good! Nice that the boys are supporting you to ease you in.
Hows the jetlag? Easing up I hope. Have a good day mate. X
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Good on you. Feeling great on hols must have really been a great incentive to get back on it. You'll do great as always. X
I love what i call birthday season! Mine and youngests in june and other 2 in july. Happy months.
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Morning hun x
Back on the wagonit's great that ur boys r continuing to do it with u, wish my OH would take a leaf out of their book-his will power is non existent!!
Its a gorgeous day here, somehow makes healthy eating easier, and I'm always more active. Hope it's nice where u r x
Off to work this morning for a few hrs, then perhaps a trip to the park with my LO before dance class
Have a fab first day bk on plan hun, first is sometimes the worst, but once it's done you'll b right bk in the swing of it x L x
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What will the detox consist of? Really interested in this as it might be something I try as I get nearer to target![]()
Morning LMN,
So glad to have you back. Well done for getting straight back on it. That 9lb will be gone before you know it!xxxx
Hello hun, hope you haven't got the holiday blues and are back into the swing of things. I know your super charged once you get going lol, hope you have a smashing ahead
and thank you for your lovely words on my diary, I really do appreciate it .
Kay xx
Thanks hun. How are you getting on? Will pop over to your diary later when I get a bit more time.xx