Good morning all,
Another super busy day for me both work wise and personal. I think this morning will be spent mainly chasing after people and running around like a loon!! Ah well on a positive note, atleast I'll be too busy to think about food!
Yesterday went really well foodwise, I thought I would struggle getting back into the detox but I did ok, so hopefully today will be as goodI am going to Asda tonight as Phil went shopping on Monday and brought loads of fruit and salad but with 3 of us all detoxing we have used loads so need to go and get some more.
What has everyone got planned for today? Hope you all have a good day.xx
Ah thanks ladies your support and words always help me along and keep me motivated :gen126:
Having a bit of a rubbish day so far today. It started ok but then when I got back from the school run I had a message from a family friend out in Bulgaria. Our house has been broken into and they have taken nearly everything, including 7 beds, all the bedding, personal stuff and even toiletries etc... Mum got out there last night, she is obviously devastated especially as some of the stuff taken was my dads, she had so many good memories with him out there so it is really upsetting.
So I have been on and off the phone all morning, we need to report it to the police but as we brought the house through our Bulgarian company we are not sure if the director needs to be there in person to report it. And that is me! It's a nightmare. Thankfully mum was only nipping in quickly to grab a few bits before heading to our apartment at the coast for a few days. So is going back there in a few days but luckily she is going to stay with friends so they will be able to help her. So as it stands at the moment I am waiting to see if I need to go over there to go to the Police Station.
And on top of all that, work has gone crazy! So I am just having a quick hot lemon water and piece of pineapple before getting back to it!
Anyway enough of me and my problems, how are you all?xx
What an awful day today has been! You must be distraught and losing all the sentimental things that mean nothing to others. Makes me so angry! It werent just an opportunist if they emptied the whole place. How upsetting. Im thinking of you and your family, hope you dont have to make a dash outthere too. Take care. X
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I love how positive you are even after your awful day yesterday. And to keep on going with your detox is awesome. I would have had my head in a massive pile of sweets and chocolate! lol. So massive well done! And again, really sorry about those horrible people.xxxx
Thanks hun,
It's funny because I would have hit the chocolate or crisps before when something bad happened but for some reason it made me even more determined to carry on, maybe I was taking my anger out on the poor pineapple that I had to chop up with a very big knife, lol!!
Just having a quick snack on some more pineapple and a mug of hot lemon water, yuk I still hate the stuff but hopefully I will get better again with it as I drink more!
How are you? Hope you're having a good day.xx