I have started toning tables AND got back to the gym (whoo whoo!) I did 11 hours of exercise last week

Granted.. most of that was taken up in a zumbathon for charity, but still
I also started going on toning tables and seriously... I don't know how you do it with the crunches!
There is a machine that sort of simulates sit ups for you.. and I counted and I do 20 per minute.. and 8 mins a time.. so this week I have done 160+ sit ups and all the way through it's fine.. doesn't even hurt and low and behold I can actually do it... but last night I tried to do my own at home on the floor and almost died!
I can't even lift my head to my knees! NEver mind reverse crunches we do in class at the gym! YIKES!
Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say I had a rubbish rubbish RUBBISH week, three day binge of completly awful food. Had a cry, rang my consultant and confessed.
So right now I am trying my best to get down to a sts for tuesday. Hope you're well. Have an ace weekend xx