Gold Member
Ela ine said:Hey Hun! Started a diary like you suggestedand found yours!
Sounds like you're doing fab - love the secret gems of snacks I'm finding in here (hello skips, and custard!)
What is US shake? Hope I don't sound too dumb lol... I need to buy some more sf products! Especialy for snacking - will go down to asda later!
As for the exercise - sounds like you're doing FAB! I need to start going back to classes at the gym... I will I will!!!
Good luck for today lovely x
Hi Hun
Cheers I am trying to do all i can to b fit!
Yeah US is ultra slim tescos own shakes cheaper than 2 tubs for 6, also Asda do their own called measure up haven't tried them but others say they r nice. U Get wot u can get at whichever shop I suppose love. Also superdrug r doin their own too they r 2 tubs for £7.
Oo yeah go bak to yr gym I find it's the going that gets me once am there it's fine!
Ru finding it all ok? Wens yr weigh day?