LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

Hello all!

Upndown glad to hear your on the mend! I think I finally am to, slowly but surely!

Fat2go thanks! Feeling a little more human today.

LJ weigh day is so scary! I know what you mean, I have been good and on plan all week, but it's still a scary time!

well I lost 1lb! Yay! So only 1/2lb to go and I'll be back on track after last weeks gain! I'm hoping for a better loss next week, hopefully the germs will be totally gone soon.

i am doing another food diary this week, it seems to help me. And I get a little note from the group leader with tips and things the week after.

I'd love to be more active and do some exercise, but a combination of the sinus infection, that makes my asthma kick in, so everything is such an effort. Also I have now found out I have had a fractured foot for 7 months... So I'm trying to be good and rest it. But easier said than done. As soon as I get told that I want to do everything and not sit still! I will try..

how has everyone's day been? Good I hope :)

Hi - glad about your loss - doesn't it make you feel good? But sorry to hear you're suffering still - and that you have had a fractured foot - can you have treatment/physio now? Perhaps you could do some armchair exercises??!!

Hope you had a good day fat2go??

And LJ was pleased with her WI - will check later for your post.

Altho' I've not had a bad day - I didn't feel like eating much or anything hot - so my "meals" consisted of:

B'fast and lunch - 2 x cheese on toast p

Tea - cheese salad bread roll with choc biscs for dessert!

Total of 25 syns..

..which I will really try to make up for during the rest of the week - has anyone ever lost weight after using 15 syns per day?? Or do you think I should stick to my usual 10 syns - if so, that means I'll be able to have 6 or 7 syns a day - I should manage on that - fingers crossed!

Have a good day 2moro everyone!!
Hey all. I feel like hiding away. I lost 1lb this week but I feel disappointed. It's silly I know because 1lb is a reasonable loss to have. But I wanted more! I came home without staying to the Image Therapy thing because there were so many people there it would have taken ages and I feel physically and mentally exhausted from the work I have done today. I'm pretty stressed too but that's normal. Ok maybe that is just a lame excuse.

Anyway I came home and by then I was really hungry so I ate three satsumas while I decided what to eat. Then I made a big veggie omelet with baked beans on the side. Didnt like the beans, they were Sainsburys basics, or were they Tesco? Whichever they were they were tasteless and the texture wasn't pleasing to eat. The omelet was good though. After that I was craving something else. Not from hunger but from feeling I needed something to console me. I actually have nothing high syn in the house, nothing sweet, nor any alcohol, so I had a sandwich made of just bread and tomato sauce. I guess that wasn't too bad but it wasn't from willpower, it was purely lack of opportunity.

To distract my mind from any further thoughts of self sabotage I switched on my PC and played a game until a little while ago when I went to bed. I feel better for writing it here and confident that I will be fine tomorrow. I feel rather like I am letting the side down when you are all doing so well. It's helping to get me back on track. I can do this.
Hey all. I feel like hiding away. I lost 1lb this week but I feel disappointed. It's silly I know because 1lb is a reasonable loss to have. But I wanted more! I came home without staying to the Image Therapy thing because there were so many people there it would have taken ages and I feel physically and mentally exhausted from the work I have done today. I'm pretty stressed too but that's normal. Ok maybe that is just a lame excuse.

Anyway I came home and by then I was really hungry so I ate three satsumas while I decided what to eat. Then I made a big veggie omelet with baked beans on the side. Didnt like the beans, they were Sainsburys basics, or were they Tesco? Whichever they were they were tasteless and the texture wasn't pleasing to eat. The omelet was good though. After that I was craving something else. Not from hunger but from feeling I needed something to console me. I actually have nothing high syn in the house, nothing sweet, nor any alcohol, so I had a sandwich made of just bread and tomato sauce. I guess that wasn't too bad but it wasn't from willpower, it was purely lack of opportunity.

To distract my mind from any further thoughts of self sabotage I switched on my PC and played a game until a little while ago when I went to bed. I feel better for writing it here and confident that I will be fine tomorrow. I feel rather like I am letting the side down when you are all doing so well. It's helping to get me back on track. I can do this.

Hi - sorry you feel like that - I'd just posted reply to you on the '2014 Challenge' thread - then was about to send another, a more personal one to 'your' thread asking if you were ok with your WI? Somehow via cyberspace I guessed you wouldn't be satisfied - but pls try and focus how far you've come - you have your eating under control - just think how things were before SW for all of us :rolleyes:.

PLEASE don't even think you've let anyone down - we're all here for one another aren't we? There'll be weeks where we put on (defo me anyway) and weeks when we STS but others when we're happy with WI! You're doing well and supporting us all - after all who started this lovely thread?!

As you say you're tired and stressed - but each day you're getting nearer to moving. I'm glad you've ended on a positive note - isn't this site great!

Tomorrow's another day - and a clean slate for the week for us all (thank goodness - have you seen my food blog for today? :eek: And I thought that was quite good really, considering how I'm feeling - lol)

Night, night and let's all go onwards and downwards into next week.
I have been waiting all night for you to post and after all that weight you post to apologise for losing weight? Eh?

Come on now LJ....Firstly you haven't let anyone down....Secondly, you don't have to say sorry, even if you gain and third, you should be proud of yourself for a) losing weight and b) not sabotaging.....Try not to put a negative spin on a positive outcome.

One pound off is one step nearer to where you want to be and lose one pound a week til Christmas and I believe you'd be at goal?...At goal - now how good does that sound...A pound off a week until Christmas and you'll be there...So what if it takes six weeks longer than you want it to, because you'll be at goal for many years to come. Focus on the good because there's plenty of that NINETEEN pounds down in nine weeks, after going through what you have done as well, that's phenomenal! Be proud xx
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Hi again - I've been thinking about you and your reaction to your WI tonight.

I've thought about raising this for a little while but thought you might think I'm interfering but as you're not happy with WI 2nite I hope this is the time to post my thoughts - they're intended to help.

I've been wondering if ur target is a bit low? 9st may well be the ideal weight for you but it may seem like a long way away right now. so I wonder whether it would be worth considering setting it a bit higher even if it's an interim target?

As you know we're the same height and starting weight and you may have seen my target is 9st 13 (not that I think that's a perfect number) but my reasons for setting it were:

1. it's lower that 10 st (just)
2. I truly wd be delighted to get there having been over 4 stone heavier
3. I know the charts say I shd be lower but I think 9st 13 is so much better than 14st 2
4. if I find I can lose more - so much the better - I'll alter my target
5. at the moment, going any lower seems to me, very hard to achieve and even harder to maintain

You may well feel very comfortable with your target, I'm sure you considered it very carefully and you certainly seem to be thriving on the challenge. So I'm not even suggesting that you can't do it or that you shd change your target. In fact I think you could achieve whatever you set your mind to!

I'm just wondering if you could be a bit kinder to yourself?

I hope you're not offended by my well intended words because that's the last thing I want particularly after all your support and kindness.
That's great support fat2go - it does us all good to read that!
oh so good to see your 'like' LJ - I was a bit concerned you'd be offended.
Hi LJ- can see your still posting so can't sleep like me - hope you're getting inspired - as you can see I'm addicted even 8 yr old Poppy commented on it yesterday! Well better 4 me than Mars bars eh? But I'm switching off now - have a good day 2moro.
Morning my friends. Thank you so so much, upndown and fat2go, for your responses. It helps immensely to be reminded of the good things, chided a little for being silly and overreacting and picked up and plopped back onto the sw tracks. *hugs*

Fat2go, goal by Christmas sounds wonderful. When I think logically i am even feeling good about the prospect I could be 2 stone lighter by the time I move to Mum's in August than I was at Christmas. I already feel better for being on the SW plan. My clothes, that were getting scarily uncomfortable, are now looking loose on me. I have definitely gone down at least one size. I have more energy. Before I started I would nearly die if I tried walking up the two flights of stairs to my flat! I used the lift all the time. But now I use the stairs as much as possible and although it is tough on my dodgy knee, i can do it without having to stop half way to catch my breath. Thank you for your brilliant support. I appreciate it muchly, as I know do others.

Upndown, of course I was not offended. I know your words were carefully thought out and you posted because you are a caring person, wanting to help me. When I first joined Minimins i set my goal at 8st 7lb. I realised that really is unrealistic. I changed it to 9st because that is what I aspire to. However, I haven't set a goal weight officially with SW. I am going to wait and see how I feel when I get nearer the mark. If I can be down to a size 12 I would be thrilled to bits. As I haven't been that size for years I have no idea what weight I need to be. I just used the BMI calculation on the side bar here to set my goal below 25. So do not be too concerned that I will push myself to an impossibly low goal. It may well change as time passes.

CJ, thank you too as always for your support off-site by text. Without your support I would never have even got to Minimins and i would not be on this journey. We did well on Atkins but it's just not sustainable way of eating. Very difficult and very antisocial. We have found the answer now and I look forward to rejoining you at your lovely SW group in August.

Aww I feel a lump in my throat with the knowledge of how much support I have. I feel OK today although I have a headache for some reason. I have made a todo list of some things that are bothering me that need dealing with to reduce my stress a little. Only 192 days to survive before my new, different, less stressful life, begins.

I'll be waiting to hear how you are all doing today (I hope the poorly people are finally on the mend) and if anyone else is reading this, you are very welcome to jump in and join us. We are not an exclusive club! If we are to succeed we have to learn to deal with all the issues about our weight. The more discussion and opinions we hear, the more likely we are to acheive our goals and maintain long term.
Morning my friends. Thank you so so much, upndown and fat2go, for your responses. It helps immensely to be reminded of the good things, chided a little for being silly and overreacting and picked up and plopped back onto the sw tracks. *hugs*

Fat2go, goal by Christmas sounds wonderful. When I think logically i am even feeling good about the prospect I could be 2 stone lighter by the time I move to Mum's in August than I was at Christmas. I already feel better for being on the SW plan. My clothes, that were getting scarily uncomfortable, are now looking loose on me. I have definitely gone down at least one size. I have more energy. Before I started I would nearly die if I tried walking up the two flights of stairs to my flat! I used the lift all the time. But now I use the stairs as much as possible and although it is tough on my dodgy knee, i can do it without having to stop half way to catch my breath. Thank you for your brilliant support. I appreciate it muchly, as I know do others.

Upndown, of course I was not offended. I know your words were carefully thought out and you posted because you are a caring person, wanting to help me. When I first joined Minimins i set my goal at 8st 7lb. I realised that really is unrealistic. I changed it to 9st because that is what I aspire to. However, I haven't set a goal weight officially with SW. I am going to wait and see how I feel when I get nearer the mark. If I can be down to a size 12 I would be thrilled to bits. As I haven't been that size for years I have no idea what weight I need to be. I just used the BMI calculation on the side bar here to set my goal below 25. So do not be too concerned that I will push myself to an impossibly low goal. It may well change as time passes.

CJ, thank you too as always for your support off-site by text. Without your support I would never have even got to Minimins and i would not be on this journey. We did well on Atkins but it's just not sustainable way of eating. Very difficult and very antisocial. We have found the answer now and I look forward to rejoining you at your lovely SW group in August.

Aww I feel a lump in my throat with the knowledge of how much support I have. I feel OK today although I have a headache for some reason. I have made a todo list of some things that are bothering me that need dealing with to reduce my stress a little. Only 192 days to survive before my new, different, less stressful life, begins.

I'll be waiting to hear how you are all doing today (I hope the poorly people are finally on the mend) and if anyone else is reading this, you are very welcome to jump in and join us. We are not an exclusive club! If we are to succeed we have to learn to deal with all the issues about our weight. The more discussion and opinions we hear, the more likely we are to acheive our goals and maintain long term.

Hi - glad to hear you're up and at it today! It was good to read your post and I'm sure myself and others are glad we found this site - it's really making a big difference to me - as you say - we'd welcome others to join us - the more the merrier eh?!

I'm picking young Owen up later - 4 hour return journey - I'm looking forward and excited to see him - just hoping his Noddy will keep him entertained on his DVD!!!

I'm feeling much better but strangely don't fancy eating! I've just made a massive SW chicken curry but don't fancy it for lunch - a new phenomenon round here! Hope everyone has a good day!
Today is flying by. Just had my quick lunch of soup and 60g bread. I have run out of yogurt and everything except apples in my fruit bowl so all I had fro breakfast was two apples. I was starving by mid morning! Soup does the trick in filling me up. I will take a couple more apples for an afternoon snack at work. Not sure of finish time tonight. Could be late. If not I may have the oven chips and sausages I planned to have yesterday.

I will walk to my afternoon job with my dog. We will go the longer route so we both get more exercise. I need to bump up the score on my 100 mile walk challenge figure. Five is just not enough!

Keep up the good work, gang!
Just had dinner. I think I might start taking pictures of my meals like you, fat2go. That will make me more likely to put some effort into it. I was going to have sausage and chips but when I looked in the freezer I hadn't got any sausages left. Had three small eggs so I made SW fried eggs. Sprayed Frylight in a little frying pan, cooked them a few minutes on the hob then put the pan in the oven which was hot for the chips. A few minutes later i had yummy fried/baked eggs. I tell ya, I will definitely be making those again. I like them better than real fried eggs! Had some more of those ewww cheap baked beans (gotta use them up) and a squirt of low fat salad cream.
Just had dinner. I think I might start taking pictures of my meals like you, fat2go. That will make me more likely to put some effort into it. I was going to have sausage and chips but when I looked in the freezer I hadn't got any sausages left. Had three small eggs so I made SW fried eggs. Sprayed Frylight in a little frying pan, cooked them a few minutes on the hob then put the pan in the oven which was hot for the chips. A few minutes later i had yummy fried/baked eggs. I tell ya, I will definitely be making those again. I like them better than real fried eggs! Had some more of those ewww cheap baked beans (gotta use them up) and a squirt of low fat salad cream.

Hi All - hope everyone's had a good day - glad to see LJ's spirits seem lifted. I've just got back from a 4 hour round trip picking 2 year old Owen up - he's coming to stay for a few days whilst my son & his wife (Owen's dad/mum) go to Florence for a short break-

But I didn't take any snacks or pick choc up on the way - but can't really take any credit - I seem to have lost my appetite - can't remember if or when that's ever happened to me before!! I've just had a salad, bread roll and grapes today - it won't last - there's lots of food out there with my name on it!! Have a good day tomorrow all.
Hi LJ - believe it or not Owen sang a few songs then slept all the way (2hours) he woke up when the car stopped at my home - had a look around the sitting room then fell asleep on hubby's knee - then off to bed (or cot)

Let's hope he stays until a reasonable time in the morning and doesn't wake up asking for Mummy!

Not sure about a good night's sleep tho' - if you open your window the loud sound you'll hear is my hubby's snoring - continuous since his head hit the pillow 15 mins ago!! I'll try my ear plugs and a nudge - if that doesn't work I'm off to another room!

I hope everyone has a good day 2moro - Nos Da - as we say in Wales - it means Good Night!
Oh phew. Friday at last. Nearly the weekend. How is everyone doing?

I am so tired this week. I work on Saturday mornings but that is not long away. I really need time to get some shopping in. I think that all these apples I am eating are causing some disruption to my digestion. Maybe it wasnt the pasta after all. I ate a lot of apples yesteday and my tummy was so bloated and uncomfortable again. The trouble is that i need to spend as little as possible so that I can save a financial buffer for my move. Apples are cheap. What other fruit can i eat that is going to be cheap?

I did buy myself a little treat this week. And instead of a treat being something edible, is is something practical. I want to change my viewpoint about what treats are. It's a dear little Denby teacup. It will encourage me to have tea, coffee, bovril, diet coke, in it, taking my attention from a glass of wine in the evening. Speaking of wine, I am quite pleased with myself. Haven't had any for ten days! You know, I think my disappointment with the scales is week may have been tied up with that. I expected my abstinence would have more of a positive effect on my weight loss. Clearly not. So perhaps one bottle a week can be included in my syn allowance without any negative effects. Maybe I should look for a pretty, small wine glass that would remind me to restrict my intake.
Upndown, the picture you painted of your little grandson singing and later, of your husband snoring, made me smile. I hope you had a peaceful night and managed to get enough sleep to handle a busy day with Owen. He is going to have you running around! But I bet you will love it! Playing kiddie games, chatting to him, reading books with him on your lap. I can see it now. Just remember to stick to the SW plan and everything will be good. Isn't it brilliant that this way of eating is healthy for everyone. When I was staying at Mum's we ate SW friendly meals every evening and i was happy that it was doing us both good.

Have a fun day and keep us posted!
OMG a DOUBLE portion of soup? How extravagant!!
If this works, I apologise for the upside down picture.
Will take it the other way round next time.


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