LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

Hi all

LJ sorry to hear you're so disappointed in yourself - yes things didn't go to plan for you today - but as you think you're within your syn allowance hopefully your WI will be fine (unlike mine's going to be after yesterday!)

Try not to beat yourself up - we're all learning here aren't we? I think you are very hard on yourself if that's not too personal?

I hope others have are pleased with their progress today?

After all the banter yesterday about the amounts of/emotions about the food we eat. - I decided to conduct an experiment today - I thought I'd have the usual drinks (non alchoholic!) but only eat when I was hungry - result I wasn't hungry until 5.00pm!!!

Was that down to the amount I ate yesterday I wonder? Not sure - I've noticed in the past that I seem to be hungry for about 2 weeks each month and less so for the remainder - but I usually ignore the signs and eat what I fancy!

So up to now I've had fish and veg - hope I'm not up cooking at 3 in the morning! Anyone noticed a pattern with their eating?

I also went for a walk today - about 30 mins - it's a start and I'm going to copy LJ's idea and pledge to walk 100 miles - it'll take some time!

Good luck for those WI 2moro!
That is an interesting exercise, upndown. I pledge to try the same for the coming week. That is, I will start on Thursday only eating when I am feeling hungry and not at any other time. Will record the results here.

As for me being hard on myself. That is the price I pay for being a perfectionist. Never satisified unless I get it 100% right. It's an asset in some situations, a disaster in others...

I am OK and ready to draw a line under these last two days and be back on plan tomorrow. The green week is over and I am back to Extra Easy meals. It's a bumpy road we are travelling but we are all making progress and that is what's important. It is only by dealing with the hiccups along the way that we will learn to cope with what is ahead too. By that I mean when we reach goal and have to maintain. It sounds pretty difficult to me right now and I hope to have learned much more by the time I get there.
Evening all!

Upndown very interesting article, I think that does sound very familiar.. That sudden pang of hunger when really you know you can't be as you've just eaten! I will try and follow you and LJ on just eating when I'm hungry. I do tend to eat at meal times, because it's a meal time. I have been having a bigger breakfast of egg and beans that does seem to work well for me as I don't then get hungry until 11.30 then I can snack on some fruit and then not long after I can have my soup.

I think also I eat out of boredom. When I'm at work and busy, then I don't think about food, don't really eat anything apart from my lunch and some fruit. When I am off at weekends and I'm busy I can get to 3-4pm and realise I've only had a banana all day. But if I'm not doing much.. Then I want to snack, on everything.. Sunday being the perfect example of this. So it's clearly not me being hungry it's boredom. So I either need to keep busy or learn to eat only when I'm really hungry!

LJ I agree don't be to hard on yourself.. You are talking like you have failed.. However you have eaten...fruit? Veg? Brown bread? This is all free stuff. Your wine is syns but you haven't gone over your allowance. So you are still on plan. We can't eat perfect everyday, but you have still got lots of super free in there. You could have easily leapt off the wagon and grabbed any junk going, but you were strong and resisted! You should be very pleased with that :)

Jules and fat2go and horror queen I hope your all having a good week and good luck with your weigh ins!
P.s Upndown I thought of you today... While I was buying some caramel freddos! Lol
You're doing wonderfully well - it's just a small visit from those 'demons' trying their luck, seeing if they can sabotage your efforts...See them off and keep talking.

There's no point in worrying about tomorrow's weigh in, it's too close to do anything that will matter...just make sure you go!

You're doing everything correctly and please remember you're not alone, don't ever think that you are...Just think about what you would have done, feeling as you do, 10 weeks ago.
P.s Upndown I thought of you today... While I was buying some caramel freddos! Lol[/QUOTE

oooh good job the shops are shut as I'm reading ur tempting post!!!
Thank you upndown, CJ and fat2go for your support. Very much appreciated. Sometimes words just don't convey enough...

I never knew before that real, lasting weight loss was going to be so much of an exercise in self analysis but now that we are here and doing the aforementioned self analysis I believe it will be the key to our success. Fat2go told me to 'keep talking'. That is the answer. Easy to say. Very hard to do on days where we are weak and struggling and the demon is on our back. But those days are equally important, possibly even more important. Those are the times when, if we can describe what is going on in our minds, we might come to a better understanding of ourselves and our behaviour.

And now I have an image in my mind of us marching along a road, banners waving, like soldiers, determined to win the war.... :)
Morning all. Weigh in day is upon some of us. Good luck to the weighers. I am not confident but I certainly will be going to face the music.

Upndown, how was your night? Did you get hungry in the early hours?

I will follow your experiment today. Won't eat breakfast because I am not usually hungry first thing in the morning. Like on Sundays when I usually miss breakfast and have an early lunch. I am having a large mug of tea and a glass of Berocca multivitamin mineral dissolvable drink to take my tablets with. As I will be home most of the day again I am going to post here BEFORE eating. Let's see how that goes. Of course the prospect of WI later will mean I avoid eating from lunchtime until I get back.

After going astray these last couple of days I feel like i need a kick start to get back on track. I am going to plan next weeks menu and do a small shop later. I have several meals in the freezer that I can use up. Probably all I need is some muller lights and fruit.

On the subject of fruit I have a problem of reducing choices. I dare not eat those little oranges again but could it just be tangerines that I must avoid? Maybe satsumas are ok? I still have the eczema on my hand from the tangerine burns. Apples make me feel uncomfortable and bloated. Bananas are ok if fully ripe. Tropical fruits are ok but they are expensive which is a problem. I love tinned peaches but tinned fruit has to be syned. Any suggestions from you good people?

i haven't written about the elimination diet I went on a few years ago to discover my food sensitivities. This is all linked with that. Will tell you about it soon. TBH it was far harder than what we are doing now and I did it completely on my own and for almost two years! Lost loads of weight. Loads.... But as is our way, I put it all back on and more.

Have a good day everyone. Let me know how it's going. I am looking forward to hearing your Wi results and i am ready to get back on track and see a good result at next weeks weigh in.

Today is also kind of a pivot day for me. I move six months from today. My life will change completely. For the better. Now that it is under six months i feel like I am on a downhill run to the summer. :)
I am toying with the idea of planning a week of fish meals for next week. Is that too quirky? Not healthy? What do you think? I like planning theme weeks. It's more interesting. I must start recording them so I can repeat them later on. Yes, a theme week dinner menu with accompanying shopping list. Egg week, Indian week, chicken week. LOL

It will be OK for the next few months but my mother might not be happy with it! After the move I will adapt my system to take her needs into account. Sadly she doesn't like spicy food. I love spicy food! Well, CJ, you and your sister can come over and share spicy SW meals with me eh? I will make something else for your grandma. :)
I am toying with the idea of planning a week of fish meals for next week. Is that too quirky? Not healthy? What do you think? I like planning theme weeks. It's more interesting. I must start recording them so I can repeat them later on. Yes, a theme week dinner menu with accompanying shopping list. Egg week, Indian week, chicken week. LOL

It will be OK for the next few months but my mother might not be happy with it! After the move I will adapt my system to take her needs into account. Sadly she doesn't like spicy food. I love spicy food! Well, CJ, you and your sister can come over and share spicy SW meals with me eh? I will make something else for your grandma. :)

I'd have thought that a fish week could go swimmingly (not a funny pun I know!) it's low fat and I expect you'll have healthy veg etc so give it a go!
Have you weighed yet upndown?
I think you may have the nail on the head with your eat only when hungry rule. I finished work soon after 11 and as I was driving home my mind was already sayig what shall I eat? But I said to myself, wait, are you actually hungry? The answer was no. I have had a cup of tea since I got home but so far no food and I still don't feel hungry. Starting to get a bit peckish maybe and thinking about having my soup soon. Don't want to leave it too late because of weigh in and don't think my hunger will stay away until 7pm when I get back from there.
Very very enlightening exercise. No more eating by the clock, people!
Morning all. Weigh in day is upon some of us. Good luck to the weighers. I am not confident but I certainly will be going to face the music.

Upndown, how was your night? Did you get hungry in the early hours?

I will follow your experiment today. Won't eat breakfast because I am not usually hungry first thing in the morning. Like on Sundays when I usually miss breakfast and have an early lunch. I am having a large mug of tea and a glass of Berocca multivitamin mineral dissolvable drink to take my tablets with. As I will be home most of the day again I am going to post here BEFORE eating. Let's see how that goes. Of course the prospect of WI later will mean I avoid eating from lunchtime until I get back.

After going astray these last couple of days I feel like i need a kick start to get back on track. I am going to plan next weeks menu and do a small shop later. I have several meals in the freezer that I can use up. Probably all I need is some muller lights and fruit.

On the subject of fruit I have a problem of reducing choices. I dare not eat those little oranges again but could it just be tangerines that I must avoid? Maybe satsumas are ok? I still have the eczema on my hand from the tangerine burns. Apples make me feel uncomfortable and bloated. Bananas are ok if fully ripe. Tropical fruits are ok but they are expensive which is a problem. I love tinned peaches but tinned fruit has to be syned. Any suggestions from you good people?

i haven't written about the elimination diet I went on a few years ago to discover my food sensitivities. This is all linked with that. Will tell you about it soon. TBH it was far harder than what we are doing now and I did it completely on my own and for almost two years! Lost loads of weight. Loads.... But as is our way, I put it all back on and more.

Have a good day everyone. Let me know how it's going. I am looking forward to hearing your Wi results and i am ready to get back on track and see a good result at next weeks weigh in.

Today is also kind of a pivot day for me. I move six months from today. My life will change completely. For the better. Now that it is under six months i feel like I am on a downhill run to the summer. :)

Hi - lots to digest here - all v interesting! Firstly I think melons and pineapples are a good buy at Lidl anyway - I buy 1 or 2 a week and when they're ripe I chop them up - keep in the fridge and they lasts for days. Frozen berries from the same shop are reasonable too - no prep and feel like a treat with fromage frais or yogurt.

I didn't get hungry in the early hours - just had the fish and later on a crumpet ......however my WI new is not good 2LBS ON AAAAAAH! Well knew I'd have to take care after being ill and not eating much last week but let myself down and ended up messing about. So will have to take that on the chin and go for it this week! Good luck to everyone else for your WIs!

I've been thinking about your musings and what fat2go has been posting about our eating habits and your note on being a perfectionist chimed with me - I start each day (mostly) striving to do well - I usually have all the right food in for that to happen (or least never many treats here to tempt me!) then if I put a foot (or a bite) wrong I feel it's game over for that day or worse another week or more.

In that way I live up to my sign in name very well! I'm either fully committed and on plan or throwing caution to the wind and eat everything in sight (nowhere near as bad since joining here though - thanks to all your support!)

Like others here - when I start a diet I'm full of enthusiasm but struggle to 'stick to the plan' initially then it develops into a habit then something happens and my sweet tooth (or demon) returns - I succumb - and before I know it - I'm back to struggling to get on track again.

As I read this back, I sound weak - I'm obviously not putting up enough of a fight - I know it's good for me - better for my physical and mental health - I keep saying and truly believe it's what I really want - so I need to try harder and perhaps give some thought about why I sabotage myself and what I can do to avoid doing that.

I hope the scales give good news to everyone who's WI today.
Have you weighed yet upndown?
I think you may have the nail on the head with your eat only when hungry rule. I finished work soon after 11 and as I was driving home my mind was already sayig what shall I eat? But I said to myself, wait, are you actually hungry? The answer was no. I have had a cup of tea since I got home but so far no food and I still don't feel hungry. Starting to get a bit peckish maybe and thinking about having my soup soon. Don't want to leave it too late because of weigh in and don't think my hunger will stay away until 7pm when I get back from there.
Very very enlightening exercise. No more eating by the clock, people!

Yes LJ I've weighed and posted the bad news now!

Not sure I will be able to continue not eating until hunger strikes - but will try!

I'm off out now and it's windy and pouring out there - typical, I'm just moving the last things from my Mum's house!
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One hour to weigh in. Hunger still quite minor. Stomach stopped rumbling. No strong urge to eat anything. I wonder if I will feel hungrier tomorrow because of not eating much today?

I will have dinner after weigh in. Not planning to stay to the image therapy. I don't really like the group leader and there are far too many people in the group since the new year. It is worth it to me to pay the weekly fee just for the weigh ins and the access to the website. I should make a decision about what to eat....

Chicken curry from the freezer and either rice (i have one portion in the freezer) or SW chips in the air fryer. They are just so yummy!
Here for a nosey, going to make a cuppa later and read your whole diary xx