LJ's Journey to be Slim by Sixty

U've had a good day again - hope u feel back in the swing 2moro! And all the excitement of the allotment and the body magic that'll go with it! I love growing things but also like the physical side too - I'm sure u'll all have a lot of fun!!

Yes isn't if funny how we change as we go along this weight loss journey?? I've struggled today - not with food but I went on the scales this morning - expecting a loss but...I sts - I immediately felt as grumpy as ur boss! Good job I had a busy day and was on my own untilthis evening!!!!

I just can't understand it - yes I had my usual Weds WI treat day - but went bonkers and had 38 syns :eek: so that was ridiculous - and when I read over what I'd eaten - I thought 19 of these were wasted!!

So I set a limit of 5 syns a day for the rest of the week so that I'd be 70 or under by today and think I've had about 50 without checking. I've also upped my exercise this week a minimum of 30 mins x 5 times - dreading the scales in the morning - may well throw them out of the window if it's an sts!

I hope Doreen is feeling better and enjoying the children's company and Mo has also had a good day and perhaps a had a lovely swim? And LJ that u enjoyed ur weekend and are planning ur allotment crops.

Good luck to us all for our WIs - I'm an eternal optimist and maybe I'll lose half a stone overnight :8855::8855::8855:

Maybe your no eating enough?? If you are doing extra exercise?
Hi - hope everyone is well and has a good day - lovely weather here - I sts so mega disappointed 50 syns all wk and exercise central!! But will plod along from 2moro - will have my usual few treats today.

I'm lighter by a 1lb or 2 than I've been for several years since last wk's WI - and I've been wondering whether it's going to take longer to shift the remaining fat cos it's been a long time lodger here (not offering that as an excuse!!) Well note to Linda's fat cells - she's up for the challenge!!

Good luck to u all for ur WIs!!

I like this fighting talk!! You can do it! Although I feel your pain, I keep hovering a round the same weight and it doesn't want to shift!
Evening all,

poorly people.. Sorry to hear your having a tough time!

Weds weighers.. How did it go?

I am 1/2lb up... Phew I can live with that! I think the last few days have definitely helped get back on track!

I am am off to London for a meeting tomorrow, so not sure how food will go... Looking forward to a day out of the office. Although the boss has been off sick again today, but I did impress him! He asked me to do something so I sent back this fancy PowerPoint with facts and figures on... He was impressed :)


Breakfast - Keifer smoothie, banana, berries, spinach

Snack - banana and Alpen bar (hexb)

Lunch - tomato pasta, sweetcorn, peppers

Snack - kiwi and blueberry (tesco fruit pack)

Tea - cooked chicken, salad leaves, be good to yourself beet root salad (free!), coleslaw (1.5), potato salad (2.5), ready made mash (4), a few beans.(was feeling lazy lol quick tea)
Hi - hope everyone is well and has a good day - lovely weather here - I sts so mega disappointed 50 syns all wk and exercise central!! But will plod along from 2moro - will have my usual few treats today.

I'm lighter by a 1lb or 2 than I've been for several years since last wk's WI - and I've been wondering whether it's going to take longer to shift the remaining fat cos it's been a long time lodger here (not offering that as an excuse!!) Well note to Linda's fat cells - she's up for the challenge!!

Good luck to u all for ur WIs!!

Hey Linda :), well done on your sts hun, I know you really worked hard this week and were expecting more. I find sometimes with exercise our body is playing catch up and the loss comes off the week after. I'm glad your staying positive about it hun. I hope you have a super duper week ahead and I know you will have a fab loss next week ! :D

Hugs Kay xx
Maybe your no eating enough?? If you are doing extra exercise?

Not had a chance to catch up on everyone's post till now been quite busy - Mmmmmm not sure about that - do you think that could be the problem? Even on plan - SW does allow us to eat pretty well with decent portions doesn't it? Plus my treat W~I day bumps up the calories/syns!!

I remember hearing about a nurse's harsh (but truthful) response to her overweight patients' excuses about failing to lose weight - "No-one came out of Belsen fat!"

I have upped the exercise the last 2 weeks - but let's be honest - I was starting from a low base lol and I've only done about 30mins walking with the occasional short, slow jog - 5 times a week - not exactly an olympian feat!! I'd be interested in what u & others think - will do a google on it too!

I won't bother listing my food today - I enjoyed every bite but back on plan 2moro - and don't want to give TeamLJ any naughty food ideas!!
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Evening all,

poorly people.. Sorry to hear your having a tough time!

Weds weighers.. How did it go?

I am 1/2lb up... Phew I can live with that! I think the last few days have definitely helped get back on track!

I am am off to London for a meeting tomorrow, so not sure how food will go... Looking forward to a day out of the office. Although the boss has been off sick again today, but I did impress him! He asked me to do something so I sent back this fancy PowerPoint with facts and figures on... He was impressed :)


Breakfast - Keifer smoothie, banana, berries, spinach

Snack - banana and Alpen bar (hexb)

Lunch - tomato pasta, sweetcorn, peppers

Snack - kiwi and blueberry (tesco fruit pack)

Tea - cooked chicken, salad leaves, be good to yourself beet root salad (free!), coleslaw (1.5), potato salad (2.5), ready made mash (4), a few beans.(was feeling lazy lol quick tea)

Oooh ur powerpoint must have been super-duper to impress Mr Grump!! Good luck with the presentation and ur eating in the smoke!!

A great on plan day and glad ur happy with ur WI - u have recovered well - I'm impressed!
Hello Everyone. Good luck tomorrow CJ. Im camping out at the huse again so food hasnt been brilliant. 2 toast. Lunch- Ainsley Harit lentil dahl with a slice of cooked ham. supper- 6 cheese snack ajacks with 3 laughing cow lighter than light trianges. summer fruits with mullerlight. snack- summer fruits with mullerlight. Hope everybody is fine. Mo :)
Hello Everyone. Good luck tomorrow CJ. Im camping out at the huse again so food hasnt been brilliant. 2 toast. Lunch- Ainsley Harit lentil dahl with a slice of cooked ham. supper- 6 cheese snack ajacks with 3 laughing cow lighter than light trianges. summer fruits with mullerlight. snack- summer fruits with mullerlight. Hope everybody is fine. Mo :)

Well I'd say that's great esp if ur limited to what u can cook - well done - hope u get home soon!!
Thanks Upndown I hope to go home Friday. I cant believe it is dragging on so long. I hope you have had a great day.
Yes it mus be frustrating for you - are there any positive steps forward at the moment?

Yes I had a good but busy day - went for a long walk with a friend - had lunch with another - went shopping - collected Poppy from school - went toy shopping and tea out - shattered now!! Bet u'll be glad to get home on Friday - hope u have a good weekend.
Wow you certainly did a lot today. brilliant. Ive just got my fingers crossed I will hear something before the end of the week.
Wow you certainly did a lot today. brilliant. Ive just got my fingers crossed I will hear something before the end of the week.


Here's a few more crossed fingers for you Mo - just noticed ur only 2lbs away from a stone loss x
Hello Everyone. Not a good day today. I had an angina attack this morning which came as a big surprise. I had forgotten how awful they are. Then I had a phone call from the solicitor.. I then went to the doctors and my blood pressure was too high. But she weighed me for the orlistat and it came out at 11 st 2lb which was a real shock as my scale at home had me at 11st 7. So she thinks Ive lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks!!!! Id love to think her scales were right. lol I hope everyone has had a good day.
Hello Everyone. Not a good day today. I had an angina attack this morning which came as a big surprise. I had forgotten how awful they are. Then I had a phone call from the solicitor.. I then went to the doctors and my blood pressure was too high. But she weighed me for the orlistat and it came out at 11 st 2lb which was a real shock as my scale at home had me at 11st 7. So she thinks Ive lost 7 lbs in 3 weeks!!!! Id love to think her scales were right. lol I hope everyone has had a good day.

Oh Mo that must have been a shock and frightening too - and a pity that ur BP was too high - not a good day for u. But great news that u've lost half stone in 3 weeks!! so the day ended better than it began - so u've nearly lost 1 and half stone - brilliant! Take carex
Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... sorry how are you hun ? :D I'm super happy today I don't know why lol :p.

Kay xx
Very quiet here ladies! Hope CJ's meeting & presentation went well but bet u've had a long day - remember those days well! Hope LJ has recovered from the hectic wkend. Doreen I expect ur busy with the children hope the weather was kind!! Mo - I've sent u a note and hope 2moro is a better day.

My day was v busy so easy to stay on plan:

B: banana & yog

L: salmon salad

T: chilli con carne (Rosemary Conley's recipe) - Strawberries and from frais

Drinks - didn't do well today - guess about a litre of water - in fruit teas and water

Exercise - the woodland walk with my friend - about 45 mins - too busy talking to time our stroll!!

Here's to a good on plan day 2moro!
Hello Upndown. Thank you for your kindness. I felt pretty rough all day but have tried to just get on with what I needed to do. Im still puzzled over the weight but she was convinced it was right. I just hope I dont have to say Ive put on half a stone next week. Yes I hope Cjs presentation went well. My food today- breakfast 2 slices of toast. lunch/dinner- a turkey piece of breast cooked in oven no skin, mashed potato, peas, boiked onion and gravy. supper- summer fruits with mullerlght.
Hi - hope everyone is well and has a good day - lovely weather here - I sts so mega disappointed 50 syns all wk and exercise central!! But will plod along from 2moro - will have my usual few treats today.

I'm lighter by a 1lb or 2 than I've been for several years since last wk's WI - and I've been wondering whether it's going to take longer to shift the remaining fat cos it's been a long time lodger here (not offering that as an excuse!!) Well note to Linda's fat cells - she's up for the challenge!!

Good luck to u all for ur WIs!!

Just about to sign off and remembered I haven't posted my food - in bed and my diary note is downstairs and can't be bothered to go down so think this is how it went - a frantic last day effort before WI!!

B: berries and yog

L: carrot soup and an orange & banana with some sweetened quark

T: salmon, petit pois and mushy peas with lots of vinegar (know that's an odd concoction but I fancied it! Purple sprouting broccoli from the garden - sowed seeds nearly a year ago! But it's easy to grow LJ & CJ!!
Crumble as yest 2.75 syns with yog

Exercise: 45 mins walk

Drinks - not good today - was v busy and forgot to drink! about half a litre of water and 1 coffee - slap wrist!

Food good upndown, bummer staying the same even if it is better than putting on, :mad: 50syns not a lot eh?

Keep going as I know you will. Hopefully much better next week. xx
Sorry to hear about your attack MO. I agree that must have been very scary. Take care, thinking of you.

Oh. Boiked onion sounds good, how do you do that? :)

Everybody I haven`t had time to read through everything, at the moment I have a couple of hrs down time so thought I would report in quickly.
Last week I put on 3lbs all of which I believe was water, it has not come back at all and I lost 2.1/2 this week.
It was more than that in the week but I had bought some character chocolates for the children and helped them eat them. :rolleyes:
Also a coup0le of my days were not really good. But am pleased with the 2.1/2 .

Have spent quite a bit of time at the local zoo\park, around 14hrs in total, lots of walking, albeit not very fast. Had a good time.

The children don`t go home till Sunday evening so still dangers lurking.

The children have gone to the cinema with Dad and Mum is meeting them at the end so I am going to wash up the breakfast stuff and then sit down with a nice cup of coffee.

Not gonna put food on for yesterday, gone now, start putting it down today.

Congrats to those who lost weight, for those who did not, better luck next week.
Sorry to hear about your attack MO. I agree that must have been very scary. Take care, thinking of you.

Oh. Boiked onion sounds good, how do you do that? :)

Everybody I haven`t had time to read through everything, at the moment I have a couple of hrs down time so thought I would report in quickly.
Last week I put on 3lbs all of which I believe was water, it has not come back at all and I lost 2.1/2 this week.
It was more than that in the week but I had bought some character chocolates for the children and helped them eat them. :rolleyes:
Also a coup0le of my days were not really good. But am pleased with the 2.1/2 .

Have spent quite a bit of time at the local zoo\park, around 14hrs in total, lots of walking, albeit not very fast. Had a good time.

The children don`t go home till Sunday evening so still dangers lurking.

The children have gone to the cinema with Dad and Mum is meeting them at the end so I am going to wash up the breakfast stuff and then sit down with a nice cup of coffee.

Not gonna put food on for yesterday, gone now, start putting it down today.

Congrats to those who lost weight, for those who did not, better luck next week.

Glad to hear u lost 2.5 - a great achievement with all those treats around!! Lovely as children are - I know how lovely it is to sit down for a peaceful cuppa!!