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Good to hear from you 
Glad everything is looking up
Glad everything is looking up
Hi everyone, just a quick updateIm so so happy and excited to say I'm having a............. GIRL! :heartpump: you were all right! We are super happy, we found out yesterday! Everything is fine, she is growing very quickly so looks like I'm going to have a big baby
We have everything sorted now, just need a cot and then I'm all done. Hope you are all good xxx
Thanks girls! we're so happy, i'd have loved either a boy or girl but i'm happy a girl is going to be my first!My due date is 1st May
I have a bump now, well ive had one for a while now.. i love mine! did anyone else love having a bump? am i weird? probably the hormones lol x
So, for a proper update now... We went away to the lake district about a week and a half a go and it was brilliant, just what we needed! it's such a beautiful placeI'm 20+2 today, can't believe how fast it has gone! doesn't seem that long a go I found out I was pregnant
I felt her move a lot more the past few weeks, nothing big but I can definately feel something :character00100: Everything is great with her, as I said yesterday she is growing very fast and seems to be a big baby, not surprised by the way Mummy has been eating!
Been having quite bad heartburn which isn't fun! OH has been very quiet recently, I think it's finally dawned on him that he's going to be a Daddy! He says he isn't nervous but I know he is, I expected that though as I'm feeling the same. It's just human nature isn't it? Diet wise I've not been very good, tbh it's the last thing on my mind now! i started out with good intentions but now Im too tired to be ar*ed cooking so take out is always the fall back.. I'm about 9lbs heavier than I was before getting pregnant which isn't too bad seeing as i'm at the halfway point. We have started on the nursery too, I wanted it white originally but now I've fallen in love with everything pink... so might do one wall pink and the rest white. Not got the cot yet but I'm panicking it isn't going to fit as her nursery is quite small, I wanted to knock through to the extra bathroom so her nursery would be bigger but it's too late to start all that now
We've also been discussing moving house next year into a 3 bed (we live in a 2 bed now) but money is quite tight so it's just going to be an added expense we could do without for now. So excited for Christmas, it's our last one together too so we have been thinking about spending it away in a different country... we've been looking at Prague as a last minute thing which we can get for £300 all in which is brilliant. Mum and Dad offered to pay for us as a christmas present which was lovely. Had to look up if it's ok to fly and it says they recommend not to fly in your first 12 weeks due to sickness/tiredness, and not after week 36. They need a letter from the midwife to confirm you're in good health ect if you fly after 28 weeks so I should be ok. I think I'd miss not being at home for Christmas though, but I would also love to be away! Anyway I'm rambling on now lol, hope you are good xxxx
Loved your updated!
I can't believe you are halfway already, how mad is that it really has gone quickly hasn't it!!
Holiday sounds lovely & isn't feeling baby move the most amazing feeling ever?! At first I was like eeeer it feels weird but then as it went on I loved putting my hand on my bump and talking to her giving her a little pat lol!
Don't worry too much about the weight 9lbs is great![]()
I always said if I had a girl it wouldn't be pink, pink, pink everywhere but now 90% of her clothes and stuff are pink lol!! Deffo go for a pink wall! We still need to paint Maisies new room!
Aww I would deffo go for the hol away, you will have plenty of xmas at home but you won't get the chance for you time like the going away for a while so why not do something a bit different for xmas xx
Oh babe sorry to hear this! Hope they're looking after you and you're getting the help and treatment you need. You're definitely right you do need to look after yourself, I think taking early maternity leave is the best idea if it's possible. You have had it rough so no wonder you've been stressed out. When you get home I think it's time for a bubble bath with a book/magazine and some candles (make it a thing every night) you need to be kind to yourself. Sending you big hugsHope you sleep well
Christmas sounded lovely, glad you had a lovely time! Loving the names you both have picked out, I love them all.... Lucy is a beautiful name. Hope you have a great new year and all the best for 2015 xxx