Evening everyone, glad to see i wasn't the only one having a not so eventful new years! Mine was ok though, quite enjoyed the early night (was in bed my 9pm lol

) All is fine here with baby and me, felt her moving much more the past few days which is a feeling I honestly cannot describe. Just amazing

I do get quite paranoid when I don't feel anything though, can see myself becoming obsessed with it. Been looking into those doppler things but I think that'd make me even more obsessed especially as they don't tend to work very well. I go on maternity leave next month and I can't wait, I love my job but it's not the best job to be in when you're pregnant... can't believe how many comments I've had off the residents there who keep calling me fat (I tell them I'm pregnant) but they carry on anyway lol, I'm not offended or anything, just taken back. Forgot to mention, when I went for my last scan I was getting moaned at, they were getting onto me about my weight and how I should be trying to eat healthy. I said I'd lost over 3 stone and that I was still doing SW now and I intend to carry on with it after baby is born, but was told it wasn't "good enough" and it can cause complications when giving birth, I get it's their job to tell you this... but it was put across quite harshly and I got really upset in the car about it, I am trying my hardest to keep my weight down and I've only gained 6lbs and I'm 5 1/2 months a long which I didn't think was bad but obviously it must be? Maybe it's just my hormones... Xx