We're not worthy....we're not worthy!!!
LOL! BIG BIG CONGRATS!!! You make us all realise that we CAN and WILL achieve our targets and more importantly, have given me my optimism and hope back!
And wowsers - 4st since March??? Fanfrickintastic! I'm trying desperately to get my 4st on my 1yr joining SW anniversary so you've done it well quick!
I find Success Express hard as I like to do, say, a stir fry and once it's all mixed up it's hard to know how to proportion it out so that it fits the 1/3:2/3 ratio. Maybe if I try and measure out everything in advance (1/3 noodles and meat and then 2/3 veg) and then mix it all then I'll know it's correct.
Can you give us some of your Success Express daily menus?