Looking for a pregnancy buddy!

Morning Ladies
Migraine nearly gone now - it wiped me out all day yesterday, MIL had Dd2 for the night as I just kept going dizzy every time I stood up. So glad it's pretty much gone now.

yestersdays food was not great, so have planned today's meals already to get me back on track.

hope you all have a lovely day xx
oh no missy :( migraines are just the worst! First had one at 15 & was the worst pain had a few over the years not nice,dont worry about the food side of things if we weren't well xx
So exciting and lovely to see the scan pictures. I still feel like I have a million years until I can even tell anyone. 8 weeks tomorrow. And my smug no symptoms has gone - feeel. so. sick. I'm sure I didn't feel like this last time but OH tells me I did. In that 'the only thing that stops me being sick is eating'. ..... And eating Crap! Am trying really hard not too. This is how my ridiculous weight gain last time started and I never lost it all so really can't afford to make the same mistakes again.

I love the Bugaboo Donkey but when we had No1, we only had a Ford KA and the only thing that would fit in was and iCandy Peach (which I do love) but if we'd had a bigger car, I would totally have wanted the Donkey!

Ooooh, Missy you're so nearly there. It's so exciting!
Oh Nicki - I was exactly the same at 8 weeks, still feels like forever until the scan. Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish, I'm still not doing great food wise as I still feel sick, it's much better than it was though thankfully. Hopefully your sickness eases up very soon!

DH and I went to look at prams at the weekend - I'm utterly baffled with all the choice!

Hope your migraine has gone now Missy, I suffer with them dreadfully so you have my full sympathy.
Hi All,

I am 27 weeks pregnant and the weight is piling on!! Ive always been a yo yo dieter but i feel out of control since being pregnant, im around a size 14 to 16 atm, never been smaller than a 10. But promised myself when finding out i was pregnant that i would be healthy etc etc and of course never happened.

Can i start SW now? x
You can start sw any time at home if you have any knowledge of the plan? If you want to join a group you will have to get a note from consultant for midwife to sign.My advice is you still have 13 weeks to either lose or maintain & slimming world is great for this when pregnant as you can have lots to eat & don't have to be deprived.I have followed sw loosely & have gained 10lb & will be 36 weeks on sat,I gained nearly 5 stone last time so if I can do it anybody can :) If you need any help just ask one of us is always around on here :) xx
Had my 20 week scan today everything seems good and we got to hear the heartbeat. It's also still a girl :D back for more scans at 28,32 and 36 weeks and baby around 37weeks eek!!
Thank you im so relieved it's a girl, not that I wouldn't have been delighted with a boy but i have always wanted a girl so to have been told a girl and it then turn out to be a boy I would have have been upset. Don't think I will truly believe it til she is in my arms tho
yay its still a girl lol god yeh can you imagine being told a boy after being told a girl I think you can trust the scans these days to get it right,my Mum still says I could have a girl even though every scan its been a boy bless her xx
headache from hell since yest tea time just wont shift :( drowning in water but just making me pee not good,hos everyone else getting on? x
That's not good about your headache Tamkat. Hopefully it'll shift soon.

I'm good, keeping taking dizzy turns as I have low blood pressure, when the midwife took it last week it was 96/58! I would have thought with 6 children my blood pressure would be through the roof haha!

Hope everyone else is well? Xx
I'm in the headache club too Tamkat, had an on/off headache since last Monday and 3 horrible migraines too, am shattered and don't know what to do about them. Seeing midwife on thurs for 16 week appt so will ask her then.
hope everyone starts feeling better soon - can't wait for spring to come now, everyone always feels better when the weather is warmer xx
Sorry to hear about everyone suffering with headaches and migraines, bad at the best of times but worse when you're pregnant as you can't even take anything.

Misty, I can't wait for spring either, I've picked up another awful cough/cold. Really trying to stick full on plan now, I don't really have any excuse now my sickness has almost completely gone! I'm going to go shopping for masses of fruit to make a huge fruit salad for the fridge that I can snack on and hopefully boost my immune system a little!

Did you all have a nice weekend?
Morning ladies, hope everyone is feeling well today? There are lots of coughs/colds going around at the minute.
my migraine has finally gone! 10 days of them nearly killed me, will be back at the gym tomorrow as starting to feel a bit wobbly - haven't been for nearly 2 weeks.

Got my 16 week midwife appt at 2pm, I weighed this morn and I have put on 8lbs so far. Have added a pic of my bump, not very big yet, but will add one every 4 weeks now to see how much I've grown x


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wow you look fantastic Missy glad your migraines have gone too :) I had to go for a scan yest as had static growth for 2 weeks (fundal height) Just means baby has dropped to me but they scan for that now apparently well everything was fine although they want to start sweeps at 38 weeks as they said hes big at 7lb 5.Typical that last time I was desperate to have sweeps from 37 weeks but midwife wouldn't oblige until 40 weeks plus & I went one week overdue this time I don't want him early but looks like they want him out sooner rather than later! xx
SAM_0208 (2).JPGmy rather large bump :)
Wow ladies your bumps look fab!

I'm full of the cold and feeling miserable, I hate being pregnant and I'll, as you can't take anything for it!

When are you 38 weeks Tamkat?
I just think I look fat :(


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